Friday, March 30, 2012


Hi all ! I'm back again ;) Shall make use of the time to post a short one !
No photos to be upload ! Had been working since Wednesday, tmr last day ^^ !
Will be taking more photos soon ! Stay tune ;) Okay, sales in AB is TERRIBLE !
No sales, no crowd... Seriously suspecting Minitoon is snatching customer, HAHAHA :/

Okay, the only thing that accompanies me through while working is, MUSICCCCCCC !
Shall share some music that I feel super awesome when I'm listening while working :D !


Okay, was quite surprise to heard this while working ! I SUPER LIKE THIS SONG (Y) !

There's still alot of songs I like when I listen, BUT I DON'T KNOW WHAT SONG :(( !
Shall try to find out those song & I'll share here if possible ! Time to sleep ;)
It's the last day of March tomorrow ! Enjoyed March & TIME PASS REAL FAST !
April gonna arrive and I hope nobody will prank me on April fool, thank you ;)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

My silly guy actually brought food from Hougang, packing it into his own container !
He bring it all the way to Tampines to have lunch with me, even with his own utensils !


I admit, I'm really willful and nasty at times, I throw tantrums at you & showed you super bad attitude.
Although sometimes your attitude are like shit and sucks ttm, I DO APPRECIATE WHATEVER YOU DO !
Like whenever we quarrel, you still hold me hand, fulfilling your promise of protecting me.
Although this is the first time you're doing something that really touch my heart, I really feel it ;)
I know there'll be more in ! I want our relationship to be strong, let's work hard together ok ?


Okay ! Time to sleep ;) Awesome day working with Bea today ! Tomorrow working with SL, 12-10 :(

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

It's a lifetime, right ?

Hi readers ! I'm back posting about my awesome day spent again ;)
Daddy got his iPad for his 50th Birthday, although it's 2 months away !
So he really love it, and he play it like the whole night when he's home ~
He look so damn happy, WHY IS MY FATHER SO CUTE ? Hahahaha :/
Okay, today ! Meet up with BFF again, went touring around Singapore :/

Went Raffles for my application of Temp-jobs at Expo, nothing much ! Briefing on 5th April ;)
After that MRT to Lavender, walk over to Sim Lim ! Help papa to get his iPad's cover & protector !
Seriously, carry a iPad & a Camera out for whole day seriously not funny, SUPER-HEAVY.....
Anyway ~~~ Went Junction for Pepper Lunch, it's been so long since I eat Pepper Lunch manzxc ~

Suppose to head over to Bishan, but WX wasn't in the shop so we didn't make a trip down ~
Ended up taking train to Mountbatten, then walk to Old Airport Road Hawker Centre !
Okay, I know I sounds like mountain turtle, IT'S MY FIRST TIME EATING LAOBAN xD
Should have take a photo of the queue, it's like quite long for a beancurd shop ?

But anyway, they were fast & we only bought 4 ! Quite embarrassed, every got like 10 !
It's really worth the wait, and the bean curd is so damn nice ! EVERYONE SHOULD TRY ;)
Headed back home, had dinner with family together with BFF at Tampines Mart again ;)
The food at the coffee shop seriously CMI..... But still filling !

Shall end my short post here ! I need to sleep like as soon as possible, damn damn tired !
Working starts, 12-10 tomorrow, 11-10 on Thursday & 10-10 on both Friday & Saturday ~
Super reluctant to work at Artbox... Okay, maybe it's TM ! Working with Bea, first time ;)
No motivation to work ! Let's just hope till will past super fast, then $$ in my pocket ^^


Monday, March 26, 2012

Swimming @ Pasir Ris Complex ;)

Finally meet up with baby yesterday ! Was rotting at home for the whole afternoon ;)

All the way till night time ! We went swimming at Pasir ris Complex, together with E.Brother & Y.Brother ;) Reached there like around 8pm, left there at 9pm ! Hahaha, went for awhile only ~

First time swimming at night, the water is like freaking cold, not fun okay... Anyway ~ Super hungry & we went Downtown East for McDonalds ❤ ! Tried this new burger, Tasty Crispy Chicken Burger ! Okay, a not-so-bad burger, but not as what I expected ? ANYWAY ! I had Shaker Fries too ~~~~ ❤❤

It's so hard getting this two guy to take a photo ! But they still did ;)

Went McCafe after that, chilling & taking photos ~~

So jealous of them.... They got games on their phone, I DON'T HAVE T.T !

Had Mango smoothies ! Wooooo, naise (Y) !

Ended my awesome day with baby's smile on his face ;)

Sunday, March 25, 2012

A-Z Photography Challenge ;)

Shall do this Challenge soon ;) PS : Topic are created myself !

Saturday, March 24, 2012

BFF ;)

Hello ! I know my hair look damn kuku, clip till like that, HAHAHA :/

Headed out with this BFF of mine, like after so long we finally meet & head out ;)
Went to Tampines, she bought KOI, and we MRT to Bugis !

Went Bencoolen Street's "Camera Hospital", and she almost gave up her camera ! That uncle told her, "Need to repair, like $200-$300 ~ You can try to go Sony ask ask !" So we went Sony, and another guy told us "OH ! It's the memory card problem la ! Change to Memory Stick will do ;)" ! Hahahaha, *sibeisilly*

Ok ! End of her silly act ~ Ate KFC for lunch ! After that, headed to Simei's daiso & bought a polka dot pouch for my Camera ! So I don't have to keep taking out the cover when I wanna take photo ~ After that, went Expo for "Electronic Fair" ;) She went looking for her new camera ! Hard to decide on which brand ~ Just like that time when I was hesitating about EOS 600D or Powershot G1X ! Hahaha, BUT HER BUDGET DAMN HIGH LA SIA....

OKAY-WHATEVER ! We headed to Changi Point also ! MY-FIRST-TIME *suagu* ! Okay, I think it's quite convenient to open a shopping mall there, but the mall like nothing much also ? Anyway ! Accompanied her to her granny's house, went back home awhile then went to Tmart for dinner, 鱼片米粉 again ^^ ! Chatted a lot too, *girlsssss* ! GOSSIP-IS-A-MUST ! Hahaha, she meet up with her bf & I headed home too ;)

Enjoyed this awesome day with my BFF ;) Feeling kind of great to know that I actually have somebody to talk to when I'm down ! Not only her, I still have a group of awesome friend ;) It's a kind of feeling like you can say anything without second thought, you just blabber any nonsense you want to say ! I-LIKE-THAT-KIND-OF-FEELING (Y) ! Of cause I can share all my troubles to Baby too ~ But of cause I need a girlfriend too isn't it ♥♥

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Linux workshop........

Currently in school, doing some lame shit stuff ! Was called back to school for Linux workshop ~ 930am - 430pm, boring shit seriously.. Thought that it's gonna be some lecturer teaching us or what, it's just our "fellow coursemate".... I rather not learn anything than coming here to waste my time, I should be sleeping soundly now isn't it ? OMFG, I won't even come for this damn workshop tomorrow, I swear.... So what if I have SEAL point or attendance, I don't need :)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Little Rascals !

Little kids do make my day a better one ;)

Monday, March 19, 2012

Botanic Garden with ❤

Had breakfast, and off we head to Botanic Garden ;)

Super nice weather walk around that place, and I didn't know it is such a big place !

So we act like a non-Singaporean.... Walk around the park, take photos & look at the directory !

Not so bad, managed to walk finish the whole of Botanic Garden, HEHEHEHE :/

I remembered the last time I went Botanic Garden was with cousin, for picnic ;) !

Okay anyway, happen to pass by this nice waterfall ! Super 大自然有没有, haha :/ !

Played with the shuttle speed & it turn out to be like amazing ? HAHAH ~

Finally we're back at the MRT station, and it's time to eat again :D ! *hungryghost*

Had a super bad craving for beancurd and yup ! We went Lavender for iBean ;) Surprised to see them at the stall, cause it's Monday.. Ok anyway ! Addicted to the Strawberry flavor beancurd, I ate 2 bowl on the spot, and takeaway 2 bowl back home :/ Okay, I know I eat a lot ! HAHAHA :x

Enjoyed my day once again with Baby ! &&, he stayed for one more night ! Haha, he's dad called and I picked up. He was asking if Baby's heading home, I said ya... His dad say "Wanna bet? He sure won't go home tonight, I won't be fetching him home!" HAHAHAH ! So ya, in the end he really didn't go home ❤ !