Saturday, March 24, 2012

BFF ;)

Hello ! I know my hair look damn kuku, clip till like that, HAHAHA :/

Headed out with this BFF of mine, like after so long we finally meet & head out ;)
Went to Tampines, she bought KOI, and we MRT to Bugis !

Went Bencoolen Street's "Camera Hospital", and she almost gave up her camera ! That uncle told her, "Need to repair, like $200-$300 ~ You can try to go Sony ask ask !" So we went Sony, and another guy told us "OH ! It's the memory card problem la ! Change to Memory Stick will do ;)" ! Hahahaha, *sibeisilly*

Ok ! End of her silly act ~ Ate KFC for lunch ! After that, headed to Simei's daiso & bought a polka dot pouch for my Camera ! So I don't have to keep taking out the cover when I wanna take photo ~ After that, went Expo for "Electronic Fair" ;) She went looking for her new camera ! Hard to decide on which brand ~ Just like that time when I was hesitating about EOS 600D or Powershot G1X ! Hahaha, BUT HER BUDGET DAMN HIGH LA SIA....

OKAY-WHATEVER ! We headed to Changi Point also ! MY-FIRST-TIME *suagu* ! Okay, I think it's quite convenient to open a shopping mall there, but the mall like nothing much also ? Anyway ! Accompanied her to her granny's house, went back home awhile then went to Tmart for dinner, 鱼片米粉 again ^^ ! Chatted a lot too, *girlsssss* ! GOSSIP-IS-A-MUST ! Hahaha, she meet up with her bf & I headed home too ;)

Enjoyed this awesome day with my BFF ;) Feeling kind of great to know that I actually have somebody to talk to when I'm down ! Not only her, I still have a group of awesome friend ;) It's a kind of feeling like you can say anything without second thought, you just blabber any nonsense you want to say ! I-LIKE-THAT-KIND-OF-FEELING (Y) ! Of cause I can share all my troubles to Baby too ~ But of cause I need a girlfriend too isn't it ♥♥

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