Friday, March 30, 2012


Hi all ! I'm back again ;) Shall make use of the time to post a short one !
No photos to be upload ! Had been working since Wednesday, tmr last day ^^ !
Will be taking more photos soon ! Stay tune ;) Okay, sales in AB is TERRIBLE !
No sales, no crowd... Seriously suspecting Minitoon is snatching customer, HAHAHA :/

Okay, the only thing that accompanies me through while working is, MUSICCCCCCC !
Shall share some music that I feel super awesome when I'm listening while working :D !


Okay, was quite surprise to heard this while working ! I SUPER LIKE THIS SONG (Y) !

There's still alot of songs I like when I listen, BUT I DON'T KNOW WHAT SONG :(( !
Shall try to find out those song & I'll share here if possible ! Time to sleep ;)
It's the last day of March tomorrow ! Enjoyed March & TIME PASS REAL FAST !
April gonna arrive and I hope nobody will prank me on April fool, thank you ;)

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