Friday, April 30, 2010

Maybe Im too addicted ?

I miss Baby so damn much, when I didnt meet him for only 1 day :(
I keep throwing tantrums when Baby say he's not meeting me today !
But I try to understand that he's tired, cos he gotta work tonight..
Sorry, I shouldn't show attitude & reacting so childish, 对不起 :(
Anyway, we'll be meeting for dinner after he's work, I MISS YOU LA !

Thursday, April 29, 2010

What should I do when Im sick ?

Spend my monday quite terribly ! Anyway, school was kinda bored, skipped 1st lesson & meet baby for school together ~ Hahahahahah ! The moment I went out, my mp3 no battery (¬_¬) ! Lucky I got baby to text with me ~ Reach school, nothing much to do ~ As usual took photos in auditorium again (◑‿◐) Last minute decision, we decides to skip last lesson which is MrNoel's lesson ! So headed back home with baby, was watching G-force & Mr&MrsSmith ~ Not so bad show afterall, after that had dinner at home I think ? Omg, I forget already ~ Btw, baby includes "byebye" in his gdnight text, CUTE RIGHTS (♥‿♥)!

Tuesday, had lunch at Bedok interchange & I saw korkor with his friends too ~ Sucha coincidence hars ! Have the urge to buy a desktop since school is having PC fair, but somehow I guess I wont be able to get it ~ I guess la ! But I hope I can get it... Anyway, headed back home & baby come over too ! Nothing to do, so we decided to mask together with korkor (≧ω≦) We are not suppose to laugh, at all ! But couldnt help it lahs, seriously very funny :X After that, send baby to bus stop & end of my tuesday !

Wednesday, HAHAHAHAHA ! To me, it's a step nearer to weekends (≧◡≦) Anyway, headed school with baby, had MrNoel theory lesson ! Both of us was chatting bout the day we get together, & the scene all flashback ~ Seriously seriously I find it kinda funny & interesting ! Was revealing all the things we were thinking when we are not together yets ~ Baby you're so silly, test test leh ! Hahaha, but I still love you ♥ By the way around 12pm, Baby, Ervin, Yxiang & Izwan went to help out at the PC fair ! Almost most of us went over to kepo when we are having our breaks ~ Btw, I've been going around, asking what do they think about when they see the number 100 ! But most people told me, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS (¬_¬) Slack till 4 plus, we went for PM lesson & they joined us ! After lesson, Yvonne, Ervin & baby plus me ! The 4 of us MRT-ed to Redhill, for their briefing bout their work thingy ~ Redhill, omfgs ! The place, where me & baby get together ~ I still can remember those scenes so clearly (≧o≦) !

Anyway, that's not the main point !

We had quite a hard time finding the place where they are suppose to meet up with the in-charge ~ Walk super super big rounds, walking up slopes & long way ! Finally, we get there ~ So both me & ervin was waiting for them ! Seating outside the office, chatting bout this and that ~ From 715 wait till 1015, 3 hours of waiting ! Both of us almost faints, kinda bored & I cant stop sneezing ~ Baby feel super guilty I think ! Took bus to nearest MRT station, change from Green line to Yellow line, change to Purple line again ~ Acc baby back home, while he changed & pack things ! His dad fetch us back to my house, thank you uncle :X Sleep around 4 plus I guess, & I didnt went school today ~ Baby went school only, I was feeling terrible ! According to baby, I look super blur & super sick this morning xD Okay, I've seen the doctor & I had 2 days MC including today ! So, Im off to eat med & rest now ~ Cos baby is coming, provided Im going to rest ! Byeeeeeeeeeee :D

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Star Award !

Last night, baby came over my house after he end his work ! Cooked Honey Chicken & ate dinner with baby ~ He's sharing bout his work thingy, & at the same time sneezing away ! Anyway, was watching Final Destination 4 together with baby & didi ~ Overall, the show is bull shit ! Not real at all, and very weird show ~ Btw, baby's sleeping at my room o(≧o≦)o ! Althought we're sleeping at different bed, but it's great looking at his face while he's sleeping ~ But his flu is almost killing him ! He feel so terrible, & he keep sneezing away ~ I feel terrible looking him like this too... Anyway, somehow take care of him ? & he feel so terrible cos he's tired but yet cnt sleep ~ Till 4am, he finally get to sleep !

But, still not enough sleep cos he gotta wake up around 9am today ~ So let him sleep abit later, while I go prepare breakfast ! It was suppose to be me preparing, but in the end daddy help out too ~ So ate breakfast, & off baby went for work ! Actually wanted to send him over, but in the end he took cab over cos he's kinda late ? Headed back home, bath & off to nap ~ All the way till 6pm ? Bought dinner with Didi, & waited for baby to come over cos he forget to bring his clothes home ~ This silly baby of mine, feel so guitly cos Im having a bad sore throat & my left eyes is swollen ~ Love you lahs, silly baby ♥ He was doing his report for the work, & we were watchin Star Awards ! Why didnt HuangJunXiong win the main lead !? Anyway, I just send baby off to bus-stop & tmr's monday again ~ Love schools, cos I wont feel bored when baby's working !

Saturday, April 24, 2010

I feel so helpless when I can't do anything to help..

Thursday baby came to stay overnight ! Well, was chatting together with Cindy & baby till 3am ~ Super tired, so we decided to skip the 1st lesson ! But still, gotta wake up around 8am ? Prepared ourself & off we head to school ~ Reached school & was doing lab ! Lesson ends early, waited for the Intel person-in-charge to come ~ So both me & Ervin was waiting for baby & Yvonne ! After that, went century square for Pepper Lunch (♥‿♥) Nothing much, went walking around while waiting for Jacky to pass baby his pants ! Baby start work today, I guess it wont be that bad for him ~ Headed home after that & I took 3 hours nap ! Woke up, had dinner with Cindy & didi ~ Nothing much ? Oh btw, the YES super market person called Cindy already, they dont want me I think (╯3╰) ! Chat till 1am, she went off & I headed to sleep ~

Today woke up around 930am ? Kinda tired, but drag myself up & went to prepare ~ Headed to Tamp & meet baby ! Both of us went for lunch, the food taste kinda bad ~ Both of us didnt manage to finish at all ! Anyway, acc this silly baby of mine to take the shuttle bus to Courts ~ Tell you guys a secret, it's his first time going there ! Hahahaha, so I send him there & took the shuttle bus back home ~ I miss him lahs o(≧o≦)o ! After that, back home & was using computer all the way ~ Something happen & we gotta go CGH ! Till around 430pm ? Tonight baby's gonna come & stay overnight ~ Again Again ♥ ! & Mommy gonna cook honey chicken wing tonights ~

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I hope, it doesnt matter at all ?

I finally got a chance to updates these photos & post my blog at home ! Hahaha, anyway ~ I still think that I look weird with specs ? But well, no choice I gotta wear ~ Unless I got extra cash to buy contact lens ! Anyway, these are the amount of tissue I used when baby helped me to rub my legs ~ Terrible rights !? Anyway, baby was shocked to see my tears & he didnt dare to look at my face ~ Cos he would get soft hearted & stop !

But well, thanks baby anyway (♥‿♥)

Okay, yesterday's lesson was quite alrights ? Bought books for 1 module already, it cost me $13.50 ! Still have 2 module, Im going broke soon mans ~ Anyway, MsJoyce selected me & Yvonne for the overseas trip to China ! But, both of us are still hestitating bout it ~ Money wise, & lots of things else ! But well, tmr is the briefing ? Tmr then we'll talk bout it in school I guess ~ Btw, we had lesson at auditorium ! Boring lesson, it's all about lecture... So baby & I had photo taking session while teacher is teaching ! Hahahaha, look at his expression~

He's keep trying to copy my expression, cute rights o(≧o≦)o !

Okay, lesson ends at 1230 today ! Cos my S&W was cancelled & PM2 too :D Hahaha, so lesson end early ~ Went Tmall for lunch with classmates, then went popular to buy notebook ! I got the same design with baby, just that different colour ! Baby send me home after that ♥ Meet up with Cindy & Angela ! Went to YES supermarket for interview with cindy . Most probably will get in I guess ? Just waiting for his call, & I'll have to work for 4 days a week ! Have to commit minimum 20 hours one week ~ Means, Im left with Mon Wed Thurs to spend time with Baby ~

After that, headed back to my house ! Xiuyi came & we're now singing songs at my house ~ HAHAHAHA, althought those songs is not that updated ! But, at least we enjoyed :D Okokokok, I gotta stop posting cos they're waiting for me to join them ! Btw, Baby is coming over now ~ He's staying overnight today, hahahahahah ! Im so happy, cos he actually rejected me earlier ~ But well, he's still the best o(≧o≦)o Love you lahs Baby !

PS : Maybe, I should think that way ?
PSS : OMFG ! Tmr's friday already o(≧o≦)o

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Girl, I hope you understand...

Hey ! Im back updating already ~ Im currently in school, I've got no time to update my blog at home ! Anyway, last sunday had a double date + didi ~ 5 of us went Plaza Sing, to look at S.H.E ! Maybe the guys are kinda not into those things, so they 3 went LAN shop leaving the 2 of us under the sun while waiting for S.H.E ~ Waited for like 1 hour plus & they finally appear ! But we are so far away from them, we could only see from the screen (¬_¬) After that, we walk pass the stages & they were like so close from us only ! Both of us went so mad, keep repeating to our BF bout us sawing S.H.E in such a close distances ~ After that, went Bugis for Ice Monster ! I didnt eat, but baby shared his together with me (◕‿◕✿)After that took bus 12 back home ! Yesterday was quite a terrible day for me ~ Cos due to my careless-ing, I tripped over the wire & the whole plug drop hard on my legs (≧ω≦) ! So Im walking weird now ~ Asked teacher whether I could wear slippers to school today, & he agreeded ! So Im wearing slippers now in school (●*∩_∩*●) Anyway, baby send me home & cooked noodles for me ! Together with korkor, with some extra thingy ~ And, baby help me to rub my legs ! The moment this thingy name Zam-buk applied on my leg, I teared... But now my leg look better abit than yesterday ! Later having lecture lesson, boring ! Okay, Im done with updating my blog :D Poor baby is not feeling well, take care ! Byeeee (^^)

PS : The world is changing, how bout you and me ?
PSS : I need to rest, for very long very long :(

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Who can I depend on ?

*dingdong* ! Thursday's lesson was, quite simple & short I guess ~ Bus 31's queue is kinda long that day ! All the way till the place where it's not sheltered ~ Waited for 2 bus, & finally I got up the bus ! Im late for MXP lesson, and I thought I went in the wrong classroom ~ Cos the class is fully occuppied, including NST students (¬_¬) ! But well, the lesson is all about Windows 7 thingy ~ Nthg much, lesson end & off we went for breaks ! Went S11 for lunch with baby, QY & Ervin ~ Back to school for S&W, the guys were playing basketball ! So me, seating at there chatting away :x Headed back home, & mommy cooked dinner that night ! So baby joined us for dinner, he ate 4 bowls of rice, awesome rights (◕‿-) Anyway, friday was a short & nice day for me ! It's me & baby's 2 month anniversary ~ Didnt really went out anyway ! Meet korkor after our lesson ends & went to collect our specs ~ Specs on & everything seems so clear ! Dinner with family, laughing away due to some silly things I do ~ Nahs, didnt want to mention :X Waited for baby to end work & off to sleep ! Today, meet up with baby, ate pepper lunch & acc baby to trim his hair again ~ After that went back to my house, around 4 baby left for work ! & now, gonna have dinner with family ~

Baby, happy anniversary ♥ ! Thanks for treating me like a princess (◑‿◐)
You're always there for me when I need you most, you always cheered me up ~
PS : You're silly, silly-er & silly-est ! Im cute, cute-er & cute-est ! *giggles*

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The moment I close my eyes, I think of you !


Friday is the best day of the week ! ( Especially tmr ♥ )

PS : Tmr is a special day ♥
PSS : DownDownDownDownDownDown !

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I understand you (:

School was alrights today ! Meet up with baby as usual, bus 31 to school & we're kinda late for lesson ~ This teacher name MrNoel, so damn boring I must say ! The way he talk, is kinda bullshit & nobody understand what he's talking bout (¬_¬) But well, his lesson ended after his briefing of what's the whole subject is about ~ Headed to cafe 3 for some snacks, still early for lesson ! Chatting around with baby ♥ Headed back class after that, was slacking in class & chatting away ! Went cafe 2 for breaks, the fried rice there seriously CMI mans ~ Didnt eat much & went class after that . Did some work, & it's kinda fun I guess ? Kinda late for PM2, due to MrSuhaimi's delaying ! Short briefing for PM2 & it's gonna be the same thing as PM1 ~ Kinda, (¬_¬) ! But well, it's gonna be like this ~ After lesson end, acc baby to have his haircut becos teacher catch his hair ! Okay, his new hairstyle is kinda cute & he look quite nice (◑‿◐) Headed back home, he bath & waited for Mommy to come home ! Went 400 plus for dinner, after that walk home with baby & didi ~ Im having headaches the whole day, how terrible ! The weather is not helping me at all, so super-duper hot these few days ~ I've been bathing thrice per day recently ! Horrible isnt ~ But the weather is really killing people, so drink more water my dear readers & friends (◕‿◕✿) ! Im going to sleep now ~ Im yawning from the 1st till the very last sentences Im typing !

Before haircut & After haircut ♥

PS : baby, it's coming in 2 more days ♥
PSS : I dont know, why it's turning weird ?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

You're always on my mind (:

Hey dudes ! Kinda busy to update my blog, so Im here to clear dust away *shoos* ! Friday korkor finally came back from LAOS o(≧o≦)o ! Saturday went Bedok 85 for dinner with family ~ Sunday went CCK for some family thing, damn tired ! After that, outing with Baby, Xgbff & Jacky, great :D First day of school, 1st lesson cancelled, totally (¬_¬) ! Had lecture lesson at auditorium, early realease ! Dinner with family + baby ♥ And he stayed overnight :D Woke up & baby's beside me again, he look silly (◑‿◐) School was great with baby's accompany, it's true ♥ ! Lesson cancelled again, had 4hr of break, totally kinda.. Headed to my house, slack till 1pm back to school for lesson ! Baby send me home again ! & meet up with Cindy + Angela too ♥ Chatting around & had dinner together at Angela's house ! Leave around 10pm, & tmr's 8am lesson again, *YAWN* tired..

PS : Pek Jun (___) ! 3 more days ♥
PSS : You know I love you, MOST (◕‿-) !

Saturday, April 10, 2010

I miss you alot ♥

I miss this silly baby of mine ♥ I miss it when he do that sian-ed face!
I miss him whispering in my ear, I miss him saying, you know I love you,
I miss his kisses on my forehead, I miss him hugging me so tightly..

Thursday, April 8, 2010

I guess, you've forgotten already ?

Heyheyhey ! Im back again ~ No photos today, had a nice & short day spend with baby ! Morning this silly guy went to the Intel training, & after that he came to look for me ~ Sweet of him, to buy fish soup for me ! After that, was transferring him our photos ~ We took almost 500 photos ! Kinda, shocking ? Btw, I have used up my space of 8gb in my thumb-drive ~ Nahs, I hope it's just that my photos size is big ! So that when I re-size, I still can put more photos in ~ Anyway, around 4 plus ? Feeling kinda hungry, so baby cooked rice, soup & egg for me ! Okay, the rice is kinda.... But the meal was great ♥ ! After that, watch "How to train your Dragon" with baby, he downloaded in his hard disk ~ Anyway, it's quite nice, rate 4 out of 5 ! Mommy called, so both of us + papa head down to meet her ~ Ate fries, & headed back home ! & tmr korkor is coming back :D I can say I miss my phone more than korkor ! But, I rather korkor come back more compared to my phone . Un 不 un ah ? Anyway, baby is going home in 10 mins time ! Guess we wont meet tmr (╯_╰) And saturday, I dont know ! Nothing to post already, that's all :] Ohya, didi just lied to me ! He pretend to be talking on the phone with korkor, & Im kinda excited when he wanted to hand over the phone ! But.... His phone only showed his wallpaper (¬_¬) ! But anyway, he's coming back tmr, HAHAHAHAHA (◑‿◐)

PSS : School reopen is a great thing to me ♥ !

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I guess I love you more !


Hellooo ! Im back with lots of photos, AGAIN (◑‿◐) Went out with baby, Yvonne & Ervin today ! So meet up with baby at tamp 1st, then MRT to bugis ~ Went to food junction & meet them ! Ate pepper lunch, hahahahaha :D After that went walking around, decided to take neoprint, AGAIN ! This week, me & baby have been taking neoprints for 3 time (◕‿-) Anyway, kinda fun & it's the best machine among the last 2 machine we've taken !


After that went Iluma ! Headed to the arcade, kinda fun ~ Baby & I were playing the drum thingy ! Me vs him, but he won... Well, it's fun ! Ervin & baby played this car thingy, & the car will move ~ Kinda 4D game, & it's kinda kinda interesting ! THe fair was still on, & baby play around again ~ After that, decided to go Marina for Kbox (◑‿◐) Well, have got the $8 promotion ! So 4 of us went Kbox ~ Kinda long never sing already, but still not so bad ? Laugh, I miss those days in secondary schools, we were singing songs in class while teacher is teaching !


End the singing session around 9 plus ! Headed to KFC for late dinner ~ Well, nothing much left to eat cos they are closing ! Ate original 2 piece chicken, kinda long didnt eat already ~ After that MRT back home with baby ! He acc me to wait for bus, & both of us headed home after that ~

PS : 你知道吗? 喜欢一个人,是无法解释的 ♥