Thursday, April 8, 2010

I guess, you've forgotten already ?

Heyheyhey ! Im back again ~ No photos today, had a nice & short day spend with baby ! Morning this silly guy went to the Intel training, & after that he came to look for me ~ Sweet of him, to buy fish soup for me ! After that, was transferring him our photos ~ We took almost 500 photos ! Kinda, shocking ? Btw, I have used up my space of 8gb in my thumb-drive ~ Nahs, I hope it's just that my photos size is big ! So that when I re-size, I still can put more photos in ~ Anyway, around 4 plus ? Feeling kinda hungry, so baby cooked rice, soup & egg for me ! Okay, the rice is kinda.... But the meal was great ♥ ! After that, watch "How to train your Dragon" with baby, he downloaded in his hard disk ~ Anyway, it's quite nice, rate 4 out of 5 ! Mommy called, so both of us + papa head down to meet her ~ Ate fries, & headed back home ! & tmr korkor is coming back :D I can say I miss my phone more than korkor ! But, I rather korkor come back more compared to my phone . Un 不 un ah ? Anyway, baby is going home in 10 mins time ! Guess we wont meet tmr (╯_╰) And saturday, I dont know ! Nothing to post already, that's all :] Ohya, didi just lied to me ! He pretend to be talking on the phone with korkor, & Im kinda excited when he wanted to hand over the phone ! But.... His phone only showed his wallpaper (¬_¬) ! But anyway, he's coming back tmr, HAHAHAHAHA (◑‿◐)

PSS : School reopen is a great thing to me ♥ !

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