Sunday, April 25, 2010

Star Award !

Last night, baby came over my house after he end his work ! Cooked Honey Chicken & ate dinner with baby ~ He's sharing bout his work thingy, & at the same time sneezing away ! Anyway, was watching Final Destination 4 together with baby & didi ~ Overall, the show is bull shit ! Not real at all, and very weird show ~ Btw, baby's sleeping at my room o(≧o≦)o ! Althought we're sleeping at different bed, but it's great looking at his face while he's sleeping ~ But his flu is almost killing him ! He feel so terrible, & he keep sneezing away ~ I feel terrible looking him like this too... Anyway, somehow take care of him ? & he feel so terrible cos he's tired but yet cnt sleep ~ Till 4am, he finally get to sleep !

But, still not enough sleep cos he gotta wake up around 9am today ~ So let him sleep abit later, while I go prepare breakfast ! It was suppose to be me preparing, but in the end daddy help out too ~ So ate breakfast, & off baby went for work ! Actually wanted to send him over, but in the end he took cab over cos he's kinda late ? Headed back home, bath & off to nap ~ All the way till 6pm ? Bought dinner with Didi, & waited for baby to come over cos he forget to bring his clothes home ~ This silly baby of mine, feel so guitly cos Im having a bad sore throat & my left eyes is swollen ~ Love you lahs, silly baby ♥ He was doing his report for the work, & we were watchin Star Awards ! Why didnt HuangJunXiong win the main lead !? Anyway, I just send baby off to bus-stop & tmr's monday again ~ Love schools, cos I wont feel bored when baby's working !

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