Thursday, April 22, 2010

I hope, it doesnt matter at all ?

I finally got a chance to updates these photos & post my blog at home ! Hahaha, anyway ~ I still think that I look weird with specs ? But well, no choice I gotta wear ~ Unless I got extra cash to buy contact lens ! Anyway, these are the amount of tissue I used when baby helped me to rub my legs ~ Terrible rights !? Anyway, baby was shocked to see my tears & he didnt dare to look at my face ~ Cos he would get soft hearted & stop !

But well, thanks baby anyway (♥‿♥)

Okay, yesterday's lesson was quite alrights ? Bought books for 1 module already, it cost me $13.50 ! Still have 2 module, Im going broke soon mans ~ Anyway, MsJoyce selected me & Yvonne for the overseas trip to China ! But, both of us are still hestitating bout it ~ Money wise, & lots of things else ! But well, tmr is the briefing ? Tmr then we'll talk bout it in school I guess ~ Btw, we had lesson at auditorium ! Boring lesson, it's all about lecture... So baby & I had photo taking session while teacher is teaching ! Hahahaha, look at his expression~

He's keep trying to copy my expression, cute rights o(≧o≦)o !

Okay, lesson ends at 1230 today ! Cos my S&W was cancelled & PM2 too :D Hahaha, so lesson end early ~ Went Tmall for lunch with classmates, then went popular to buy notebook ! I got the same design with baby, just that different colour ! Baby send me home after that ♥ Meet up with Cindy & Angela ! Went to YES supermarket for interview with cindy . Most probably will get in I guess ? Just waiting for his call, & I'll have to work for 4 days a week ! Have to commit minimum 20 hours one week ~ Means, Im left with Mon Wed Thurs to spend time with Baby ~

After that, headed back to my house ! Xiuyi came & we're now singing songs at my house ~ HAHAHAHA, althought those songs is not that updated ! But, at least we enjoyed :D Okokokok, I gotta stop posting cos they're waiting for me to join them ! Btw, Baby is coming over now ~ He's staying overnight today, hahahahahah ! Im so happy, cos he actually rejected me earlier ~ But well, he's still the best o(≧o≦)o Love you lahs Baby !

PS : Maybe, I should think that way ?
PSS : OMFG ! Tmr's friday already o(≧o≦)o

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