Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I understand you (:

School was alrights today ! Meet up with baby as usual, bus 31 to school & we're kinda late for lesson ~ This teacher name MrNoel, so damn boring I must say ! The way he talk, is kinda bullshit & nobody understand what he's talking bout (¬_¬) But well, his lesson ended after his briefing of what's the whole subject is about ~ Headed to cafe 3 for some snacks, still early for lesson ! Chatting around with baby ♥ Headed back class after that, was slacking in class & chatting away ! Went cafe 2 for breaks, the fried rice there seriously CMI mans ~ Didnt eat much & went class after that . Did some work, & it's kinda fun I guess ? Kinda late for PM2, due to MrSuhaimi's delaying ! Short briefing for PM2 & it's gonna be the same thing as PM1 ~ Kinda, (¬_¬) ! But well, it's gonna be like this ~ After lesson end, acc baby to have his haircut becos teacher catch his hair ! Okay, his new hairstyle is kinda cute & he look quite nice (◑‿◐) Headed back home, he bath & waited for Mommy to come home ! Went 400 plus for dinner, after that walk home with baby & didi ~ Im having headaches the whole day, how terrible ! The weather is not helping me at all, so super-duper hot these few days ~ I've been bathing thrice per day recently ! Horrible isnt ~ But the weather is really killing people, so drink more water my dear readers & friends (◕‿◕✿) ! Im going to sleep now ~ Im yawning from the 1st till the very last sentences Im typing !

Before haircut & After haircut ♥

PS : baby, it's coming in 2 more days ♥
PSS : I dont know, why it's turning weird ?

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