Wednesday, April 30, 2008

back postiing ~ sorry for not postiin for soso long !
andd ii swear, ii dont rmb wat ii diid aniimore :x
let mii recall ~~ hmms, 25Apriil went to beachh !
diidnt repaiir phone, cos very mafan ~ luffs*
so mii, Aiai && Nuer went home andd meet up.
ohhmyytiianns ! duperduper hot cans !? rofls :x
diid smth stupiid ! ohhmyys :x secrets btwn us !
lols ~~ back to my hse, blablabla ! nth to post :x
26Apriil, whr diid ii go uhs? ohhmyys , forget :x
27Apriil . meet xiingan && contiinue rot at home .
chiiong Boy's present for the whole day, nvr study :x
hack iit ! Boy's present more iimpt (: haaaaas ~~~
aniiwae, 28Apriil charr was nt feeliing well ! Jieeet ~
then she went home lohs . she's nw feeliing better !
lols ~~ Happy annii to her && liincoln ;DD luffs*
schh was ohh-soo boredd ! andd fiinally, 29Apriil :)
as usual, go schh, recess, study :x still th same lahs !
then fangxue went home, waiit for Boy to come .
andd ii fall aslp ! sorrysorry :x was damn tiiredd ~~
thks darling Boy, ii love your present alot alot (:
no matter iis wat, ii appreciate. B.cos iit's frm you !
okok, then 30Apriil. Happy annii to Juan && Diino ;D
exam today ! hurhur, lucky ii diidnt wriite wrong :x
but maybe out of poiint ! luffs* blablabla ~~
after exam went to Eastpoiint to repaiir phone .
hurhur ! saturday go take (: yuppiies ! luffs* ate BK, niiceniice !
but as usual, diidnt finishh :x then jiu homesweethome liiaos !
bath andd out agains ~ went to Xingan hse andd help Junkiat to do art -.-
andd MrHuanchoon, iis doiing nth thr ~ luffs*
but he's gd at liie-iing :x jkjk ! huanchoon iis cute (:
aniiwae , home aroundd 7 plus && help korkor buy diinner.
these few days ii keep help hiim, guaii hor :x haaaas !
dat fat piig , keep attiitude , wtf siiohhs
tmrr maybe studyiing wiith xiingan, or yangyang (:
byeeeee !

Tags repliied
Clare : Great Girl (: end faster better ! if nt you are th one hurt ~ anything coll mii ;D
Huiiyu : Xingannnnnnnn ! lovelove (: thks for peiing mii !
Jasmiine : HALO ! luffs* exam liiao, cnt shout shout :x
Boyfriiend : Yea boy (: I also enjoyed althought we didnt go out ! Thks for beiing so great ! I love you Boy :D
Gerald : Thks (: scarescare* luffs!

Thursday, April 24, 2008


hohohohs ! ii diidnt post for soso long :x
was really busy these few days ! luffs ~

Monday blueeeeeeee ! luffs ~~ today diifferent !
no longer blueeee ~ cos we hadd 8 period FREE (:
really free uu noe !? only attendedd 3 periiod MT.
damn slackiing siiohhs ~ early ii noe don go :x
PE was ohhsoo tiiredd ! run 2.4km agaiins -.-
Thks Aiai ! She peii mii run finish siiohs (:
Love you can ~ luffs* andd ii fail actually :x
but Char help mii , thks mama , lovelove (:
madmad was siick and she went home, tkcare !
MT took back test paper andd ii got 40/70 ~
Luffs* not bad also nt gd :x luffsluffs*
andd vanessa was reallyreally mad cans !?
hurhur ~ she drew my WHOLE handd and is lik...
WTF? haaas ! but nvm, can wash de mahhs (:
help Xingan with her math exams today, luffs*
andd ii tell you wat, ii forget wat ii do le.
cos ii dont rmb wat ii did on MONDAY ! Byee ~~

today iis super-urber SWAY cans !? rainrainrain !
early iin the morniing raiin lik hell liiaos :x
took umbrella to schh, luffs* ! lik auntie -.-
meet Xingan andd sharedd umbrella. we lik so dumb !
was near th road, car pass by andd thr goes our shoes !
wetwet lahhs ! we was lik, fuck man :x also keep luff -.-
from void-deck to schh, mii and Xingan run iin :x
cos madmad was sick, so she niid th umbrella.
andd both of us was actually nt wet at all :x
and cher, with umbrella was lik much wetter then us -.-
aniiwae , hadd ART lesson and was helping AIAI (:
her board iis my nlvl board ~ soso big :x nvm girl !
ii will help you (: luffs* help her paint and was fun :x
cos we got nth better to do lahhs ! intended to draw deh,
but izyan accidently hit th protractor, and everything was mess up.
so ya, leave it to nxt lesson then draw lohhs ~~
was chit-chatiing abt PSP ! ii wan Green PSP cans !?
ohhmyys, ii starts to fall in love with Green :x
blabla! after schh, Xingan house ! do nth but rubbish -.-
hm around 9pm andd then, nightnight liiaoos !

Today was ohhsoo, not fine ! Sigh* wat happen ppl ?
Madeline and Angela, no longer friend, haiiyohs.
aniiwae, ii dont noe wat to say. maybe due to stress?
everyone seems to be easily angry andd piissed off ?
AK :x after schh, Xingan; Airen; Madeline came my hse !
Suppose to study, but was eating and chatting away :x
so, yahh ! no study :x but gossiping and crapping !
Started to do "hmwk" ! Luffs* my hard work ok ~~
Ate diineer at hm, daddy cook ! Luffs* niiceniice (:
after dinneer, didi told mii mamii look at my blog.
ii was lik, fuck man ! hollyshit liiaos :x iim dead !
then ii was lik, hidehidehide ! hide in my room :x
iin th end, mamii diidnt say anything -.- cheyscheys !
tempting to eat ICElongan, yahhs ! so ii went down lohs ~
meet AIAI & NUER @ mac andd chit-chats ! ard 10pm, they left.
then saw ahtom (: ohhmyys, ii miss hiim man ! Luffs*
chit-chatiing away andd talking nonsence agaiins :x
he said RP iis nt gd, cos expensive. is it true ppl ?
i dont noe, luffs* he keep encourage mii studystudy !
of cos ii will ahtom (: ii will work hard hard ! luffs*
chat dao 11pm then go home, luffs pls ! then jiu slp le :x

hohohos ! tiime flies can !? thursday liiaos ~~ haaaas !
hmms, char didnt come to schh ! Jieeeeeettttt pls ~ Luffs*
took back Physic revision paper & Chemisty test paper -.-
Physic MCQ = 18/20 ! hohohos ~~ ii get hiigher then Boy (:
Chemiistry test = 10/20 :x luffs pls ! but ii got iimprove ~
aniiwae , gonna continue work hard alright (: JIAYOU HUIXIN :x
after sch, meet Xingan go cut hair at tmart ~ luffs*
nt bad yea? luffs* then went home bath, meet Xingan again.
then bought her fav, MAC ! lols, went to her hse and do smth (:
went home aroundd 7 plus, jieeett ! tmrr Friiday, woohooos ~
Enjoy day agaiins ! Hohohohohs ~~ goiing out wiith Aiai (:
Gonna take damn lot of pic ii suppose ? haaaas ! btw ah,
my phone ii completly dead :x cnt press no.4, 5, and # !
then now using Samsung phone, still alright lahhs :x lols ~~
tmrr goiing repaiir phone first then go beachh ! luffs ~~
Btw, tmrr iis KELVIN.NGZHIYONG birthday (: shengrikuaile !

Realise smth? I didnt meet my Boy at all :(
Sorry boy, you got to understand alright ?
I'm doing smth ! So, mus ren awhile k?
Tuesday, ii go patoh with you liiaoos (:

Aiai, iim sorry ! really sorry ~
Promise to change alright ?
I still love you as before (:

JFYF, dont worry (: I nvr !
iim nt angry with you nahhs ~
haiiyohs ! Love yah (:

Mama, ii love you mama (:

Sunday, April 20, 2008


ytd went to iikea wiif Xingan, Aiai && Airen , Luffs pls !
Meet Aiai & my hse andd was stoniing till 1 plus -.-
then meet Xingan andd busedd to Tampiines iinter ~
Was wiindow shoppiing , luffs ! meet char andd took th hotpants -.-
then went to try, niiceniice ! Bus-edd to pasiir riis then ~
Bought Aiai's stuffs andd MRT-edd abck to Tampiines -.-
Meet Airen andd went to Ikea ! Luffs* was damn crazy :x
Keep on luffiing lik mad cans !? lols ~ siiaoocharrbo :x
Ate salmon , duper niice ndd duper full :x Lufffs pls !
then went shoppiing iin Ikea :x Damn funny lahhs !
Playiing wiith those thiings andd messiing everythiing ard ~
then went to Giiant andd behaviing lik AUNTIES :x
Ohhmyys , except mii :x hohohohos ! Bag ard their hands ~
Luffs pls ! then bus-ed back to Tampiines iinter, tiiredd*
played whole day liiaoos :x then went home for diinneeer ~
then went to Aiai house help her do art -.- Damn siiann :x
home aroundd 12am, tiiredd ! straiight away, niights (:
today meet Aiai andd went to aiirport T3 strolling ard :x
damn biig andd diizzy :x cos of th liights andd marble floor !
Ohhmyys ~ JFYF came andd startedd studyiing, jiieeet ~~
then Airen came too (: studiied till 5 plus andd then.......
cam-whoriing ! luffs* till 6 plus, homesweethome ;DD
went to Aiai house for dinneer andd then went off at 9pm.
meet Boy at mac with Guanleong (: Chit-chat sessiion !
Gossippiing abt ppl :x Luffs* home aroundd 10pm ~~
andd tmrr schhliing , Jieeeeetttt ! Luffs* Niights (:

Friday, April 18, 2008


hurhur ! back postiiing halo (: alot piictures !
today iis friiday ! hohohohos ~~ damndamn love (:
cos iim not iintendiing to study on friiday ! Luffs*
aniiwae , schh was alriight today (: morniing iis fun !
meet up wiith Xingan (: ohhmyys , soso supriised :x
ii diidn expect SHE iis liiddat -.- aniiwae , jiieeet ~~
schhliing iis almost dyiing :x keepkeep copycopy !
andd Xy was as normal , madmad ! Luffs* love her :D
Both she and angela iis damndamn cute lahhs !
Lols ~ Try-out sessiion ! Jus look at them man ~
Damndamn superb cute andd funny (: Luffs*
Luffs* then after schh was ohh-soo Jiieet :x
Xiingan kena bluff by Auggy ~ Luffs* cute lahhs !
Bus-ed home wiith Boy, Char, Xingan, Auggy & Junkiiat (:
Then reach home usedd computer, w/out speaker -.-
Luffs* Ate mac andd went to slp after that :x Hohohos ~
Damn tiiredd ! 5pm wake up andd went to prepare (:
meet madmad andd bus-ed to Whiitesand ! Lalalalas ~
Bought present for veron.meiimeii , then go downtown !
meet veron andd went to th chalet ~ Luffs pls ! lols ~~
aroundd 10plus, went to downtown meet Boy (:
then awhile jiu bus-edd home wiith madmad liiaoos ~~
damndamn siiann ! jus went down and meet Boy agaiin :x
Luffs* chiit-chats wiith hiim ! I'm so iin love Boy (:
Tmrr goiing Ikea andd my pants iis on th way ~~ Hohohohs !
So byeeeeeeee ppl ! Luffs* Tmrr then post k ?

Thursday, April 17, 2008


fiinally back (: sorry for not postiing for so long !
Cos my com iis down , jiieeeet ! but will still update.
usiing daddy's laptop ! luffs* daiily post now ~~~~

hohohohos ! wake up damndamn early today (: lols .
aroundd 7am, alarm ranngggg ! Jiiieeeet , wake up -.-
preparedd myself then waiit for th others :x iim 1st !
ii swear man , iits's supersuper tiiredd deh cans !
went to 139 andd meet SFcousiin's family , breakfast ~
then went to grandma house, after that headedd to YCK .
was iin Berliin's car, damn damn shiiokk ! jokes, luffs*
ohhmyys, iis sooo fuckiing hot cans !? sweat lik mad :x
stayed at thr, doing thing that are supposed to be done .
then left thr till aroundd 2 plus ii tiink ? went to mandai =.=
was playiing PSP ! luffs* damn fun lahhs , chattiings with cousiin .
luffs* planning of whr to go next ! lols ~ cousiin outings (:
so plannedd andd iintendedd to go to IKEA then, lols !
so went home changedd andd rest awhiile , cos iis super tiiredd :x
then meet daddy fetch us to cousiin house, then to IKEA :)
reachhedd thr was lik, damndamn lot of people . and cold :x
luffs* aniiwae , startedd to look for place so that we can eat !
fiinally found a place andd was abit squeezy , nehhmiinds (:
bought a weiighiing machiines :x cute uhs ! lufffs* $5 niiahhs :x
hmmms, then aroundd 9 plus, Sally bought us home (:
andd fiinally, ii could liie iin my bedd ! hohohohos ~~ schh tmr -.-

back to schhs , jiieeet ! ii hate monday th most :x luffs*
run 2.4km today, ii fail :( sad case alriight ! 20min plus -.-
was so bad enuff lahhs ! 1st round was perfect alriight :)
then second round jiu CMI liiaos, cnt make it :x luffs*
so nxt week gonna chiiong iin order to pass :) luffs*
congrats to Cher, Char andd Xiuyi who pass -.-
cos ii faiil ! Luffs* then schh was as usual lohhs !
after schh waiitedd for madeliine for her F & N , luffs*
ate one spoonful each, niice ! then went home wiif Boy (:
I love Boy ! Luffs* andd homesweethome (: Nites !

today's lesson was ohh-soo siiann ! luffs* angela nvr come .
She's siick ! Luffs* Tkcare Girl <333>16April`08
today was ohh-soo fiine ! jus that iim hafiing a bad headaches ~
luffs* was slpiing iin lesson ~ cos iim supersuper iin paiin :x
hadd AdamKhoo workshop talks , ohhmyys ! damn slpy :x
after schh went straiight home ! then take nap , tiiredd ~
all the way till 7 plus, then Boy come fiind mee :)
luffs luffs luffs pls ! cos iim so lazy iin bed , so he haf to pull mii up :x
luffs* bath andd started doiing ss notes agaiins , jiieeeet !
btw, ii've finishedd chapter 2 liiaoos :) gonna contiinue work hard !
lols ~~ went to slp early ! 10pm andd iim iin bed liiaoos :)

fiinnally today (: luffs* Boy diidnt attend schh due to laziiness :x
luffs* also nvm ! lols ~ assembly was ohh-soo funny manns !
people from beatboxiing came and really had a great tiime :)
Esp wiith Devan, Nishanth, Mrviinay & MrGoh on stage !
It's really makes my day ! Luffs till peng , reallyreally :x
then back to class, andd waiited to end schh asap pls !
schh endedd andd ii see my Boy outsiide schh :DDD
lols ! then went to TM and bought lunch, back to voideck.
luffs* was wiith Pinky & Angela . damndamn focus cans !?
then nvm, went to schh opp andd take a drinks around 4 plus .
startedd to cam-whoriing agaiins -.- damn funny riight Angela !
then saw Duck, luffs* walk home wiith Pinky and was madmadmad ~
Really, both of us go tiink dao alot crappy thiings uu noe !? -.-
lik damndamn siiao de lahhs ! so nw ii cnt look at her face :x
lols ~ tmrr schh hafiing Speech Day, so everyone gonna be busy !
Except mii leiis ~~ Luffs* nth muchh to say, byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !

Xingan, dont sad sad k ?
Rmb , iim here for you .
Anything can tell mii :)
I promiise you, alriight ?

Saturday, April 12, 2008


boooooo-hooooo ! backback postiing :DD
Lufffs* today was ohh-soo funn lahhs !
Morniing meet Xingans at 201 mac, then went to sch .
Today iis friiday ! so no studyiing at home :x
Rest day :) But iin schh mus study study !
No maths for today , GREAT :) But scii was Jieeeeeet !
Lols ! still haf to do calculatiions -.- Chem was siian .
Teacherr nvr come , luffs* But got hmwk , siian !
Whole class diid th worksheets , good good :x
Physiic ! fiinally complete Radiioativity liiaoos :)
Hmmms, today learnedd Half-life -.- okok lahhs .
Geo was siiann ! Cos monday hafiing test -.-
nvm nvm , sat gonna study together wiif XY !
aniiwae , after schh went home straight , jiieet !
then fall aslp till 2pm :x went to prepare then .
Luffs* then meet her at schh thr . saw heiiheii they all :D
so they peii mi wait for her . Luffs* took bus 38 then .
Sway :x took th same bus as MdmNisha -.- Jieeett !
Aniwae , went to repaiir XY phone then bought PeachTart :D
Hohohohos ! niiceniice ~ then ate Sushii too :x
I'm gonna grow fat lahhs ! Luffs* Hmms , then went home ~
Whiile she went to fiind keviin ~ Homesweethome for mii :DD
Luffs* Was watchiing new show :D 命中注定我爱你 , 10 stars !
damndamn funny andd niiceniice show ! Mus watchh ahhs :DD
Luffs* then Boy came looking for mii , Lovelovelove ♥♥
tmrr morniing gonna peii XY cut haiir :DD Luffs*
then she's comiing my house to do ART ! haaaas ~
Hohohohos ~ Gonna starts my Geo revision for test !
Ohhthen, off to watchh show , B-Byeeeeeeeeee :DD
Btw , ii love Xingan && Aiai ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


donedone :DD luffs* morniing was super tiiredd :x
wake up aroundd 11, then went to preparees ~
then meet XY andd took bus 293 to 400+ -.-
th bus lik damndamn long , andd guess wat ?
when th bus came, 3 bus came ! Luffs**
took th second bus which haf NOBODY at all !
only mii, her andd the bus-driiver -.- haaaas ~
aniiwae , it startedd to raiins andd was damn drenchedd :x
then she went for haiir cut , damn cute lahhs ~~
ahhgong :x look at her long long friinge, Luffs pls !
aniiwae , ate wanton mee andd bus back to my house !
lols ~~ startedd to do work, plus siingiing song andd tv on :x
blabla ! then aroundd 6plus, starts to cam-whorres :DD
luffs pls ! korkor soxiiaoqi :x dont wanna help us take ~
lols ! then went to buy diinneer andd saw hubert & co.
luffs* they shout my mother name -.- WATEVER :x
back home andd now iim postiin ~~ hohohohos ! hmmms,
tmrr miight nt be postiing ii guess ? Jiiiieeeeeetttt :x
Haf to wake up at 7am -.- go eat breakfast fiirst, then go fiind aunt .
haaaas ! I'm gonna wake my couiin up :x andd Half-boiled Egg :DD
Done wiith postiin :DD Offf to contiinuueeeeee , B-byeeeee :x

PS : I miiss my Boyfriiend ! Monday then meet :(

Thursday, April 10, 2008


booo-hooos ! backback D: Luffs*
ytdd was ohh-soo jiieett ahhs , hor ?
got some taiiji among th 4E5N :x
some lame thiings , wastiing of tiime !
after schh sit aorundd bubbletea shop .
chit-chats wiif Cheehao && friiends , plus us !
blablabla ! went home aroundd 4 plus ii tiink ?
was watchiing 恶作剧二吻 ! quiite niice lahhs ;D
then Boy came lookiing for mee ~~~ HoHoHos !
watch together then awhiile more mamii came back .
she help mii type th letter for droppiing art ;DD
thks ahh ! then contiinuedd watchh dao 9 plus , bathh :x
then do physiic hmwk wiif Boy's help , thks boy ♥
aroundd 10 plus , knock out agaiins , damnn tiiredd :x
today was soso fiine ;D woke up earlier than other days .
so reachh thr also quiite early ? luffs* soso hot :x
everyday also hot ! luffs*schh was ohh-soo fiine !
except for that taiji :x aniiwae , iit endedd wiif a "Sorry" .
lols ! went to study at 201 mac wiif Airen, Baobeii & JFYF :D
aroundd 4 plus , startedd cam-whoriing && chats :x
home now ! andd goiing off for diineer liiaoos , byeeeeeee ~
I'm eatiing Chaoguotiiao :x

This week, you’ll finally allow you to understand why someone did what they did and realize that it was probably their only choice. This revelation will provide the basis for a new understanding.

By Jennifer Angel
Daily Horoscope @

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


fiinally endedd ;D luffs* ytd didnt get to post !
cos went to mediiacorp ;DD was kiinda siiann -.-
blablabla ! schh was duper siiann , tiiredd :x
after schh went home andd do hmwk , luffs*
almost forget iim goiing to mediiacorp, paiisehh :x
then quiickly rush to prepare then meet angela.
dragdragdrag till aroundd 7pm then cabb thr !
lols ~ then th show startedd at 8pm, endedd at 9pm.
damn tiiredd ! cabbed home andd was soso ex lahhs :x
almost $16 ii tiink -.- two places , from TPY to Tampiines .
jiieeet ! reachh home jiiu knock out , damn tiiredd :x
today schhliing was boreddboredd ! charr diidnt come .
siiann ahhs ! Art lesson was gossippiing abt ppl :x
Siighs* soso diisspoiintiing lahhs ! aniiwae , ii drop art le .
jus haf to submiit a letter andd iim free from art :x
but still will be helpiing XY for her art :) soso rush siiohs !
maths lesson was ohh-so fiine ! ii got do hmwk ;D
andd then ss, ii forget to briing notes :x but also nvm ;D
Engliish went to AVT for lesson andd do summary agaiins -.-
then lunchh , MT. blablabla ! MT was finefinefine D:
after lesson, went home wiif Boy and went to prepare .
Off to 201 mac andd startedd studyiin wiif angela & madeliine .
soso cold lahhs , raiiniing Cats & Dogs :x damn heavy lohhs !
saw federiick andd startedd chattiings . Luffs* jiieeet ~
aroundd 6plus went home . lols ! damndamn cold :x
aniiwae , usedd computer andd was doiing nth else -.-
now goiing off to do otherr thiings ~~ byeeeeeeeeeeee D:

Monday, April 7, 2008


Hohohohos ! I'm awake ~ Early riight :x
Cos haf to go out -.- Jiieeettt ! Luffs*
Ytd niight playedd Crazy Taxi , Jk PSP !
Luffs*Luffs*Luffs* Really damndamn funny :x
Keep lufiing , Keep Keep Luffing lik mad !
Aniiwae , 9 plus went home and mamii scold mii :(
Jus wtf -.- Dont wanna mentiion ! Hurhur ~
Everyone's attiitude iis badbad enuff ! lols ~
Hmmmms , so hack it andd use my com :)
And now prepariing to leave liiaoos , hohohohs !
Byeeeee ~ Maybe updatee later ? AK lahhs D:

backback postiing ;DDD soso tiiredd lahhs !
jus now went to fetch my aunts && cousins .
then jus headedd to bedok temple . lols !
super hot and damn smoky :x alot ppl too ~
damn stiicky andd diirty :x nth much to say !
back home andd was watchiing CJ7 wiif them .
damndamn funny :x cos they luff loud loud -.-
ate somethiings andd then startedd use com .
soso boredd lahhs ! went to tmart and bought sweets .
guess wat , we bought $10 sweets -.- Luffs*
back home andd was chit-chatiing wiif 2nd aunt -.-
old same nags :x mus work hard la , dont waste money la .
lols ! rubbiishh niiahs _l_ nth much liiaoos !
&&, my bro iis so fcukiing kaobehhs :x Luffs*
and super iirriitatiing lahhs , keep diisturb mii !
ii wanna fapiiqii liiaoos ! :x Luffs* Shuuddup KOR !
stop sneeziing besiide my ear ! andd buyaotuwo ~~
can you tell mii , why today you so NOISY !?
iis my bro , elderbro ! FOOZHIXIANG ;DD
rmb ahh , he iis damn fuckiing iirritatiing lahhs #$%^(

Sunday, April 6, 2008

100th post :DDD

Hohohohs ! back postiing liiaoos , Luffs*
Currently iin Xingans house, agaiins :)
Was super hyper jus nw , even now !
we are jus luffiing liik mad uu noe !?
Luffs* Even Junkiiat && HC joiin iin too ~
Luffiing over Xingan famiily , Xinzhang famiily -.-
Luffs* Jk friiend was funny , ask us why keep luffiing !
Haiiyohhs , dont luff then keep cryiing mehhs ?
Was teachiing Xiingan Maths , funfunfun !
I could learn maths too ! Algebratiic -.-
At least ii noe how to almost all th questiion :x
then hadd Mac breaks ! Luffs* Ate mcdonald :)
Eat McChicken Student Meal , Upsiizedd ! Luffs*
They dont let mii buy , cos dont haf ez-liink card !
In the end , bought and left -.- ohh-soo siianns ;DD
And back to math lesson agaiins ! But now , rest ~~
Tmrr morniing goiing to bedok temple , siiannsiiann !
Haf to wake up up soso early lahhs :x Jiieeettt ~
Perharps goiing out wiif Xingan & Auggy :DD
Of cos wiif Junkiiat && Frieinnd lahhs , lols !
Siiannsiiann ! Off to do other thiings , byeeeee ~

Saturday, April 5, 2008


Backbackback ! Friiday , ohh-so fiine (:
Except for th blackblack cat ! Fcuk :x
Early iin th morniing ! Made us madd ~~
@!#$%">!#$%* ~~ sososo scary lahhhs !
Me , Simin , Xingan , Madeline && Jolene ~
5 mad girls scare dao jump up th table -.-
Then only Char , Angela && Wanyan nt scare !
Luffs* Anywae , quiickly hiide iin to schh after dat :x
Lesson was alriites ! Chemiistry had Pratical (:
Funfunfun ! Those experiiment was amaziing :x
Had recess quiite late ~~ Cos was iin classroom .
Zhiijiie colled mii ! Hohohohos ~ Jus to diisturb -.-
Nvm (: Then jiu hadd physiic lesson , was fiinefiine !
Sociialstudiies was as usual , copycopycopy ~ Luffs*
Then Geography was , nt liisteniing ! Cos dont wan to :x
After schh as usual , bubble tea shopp ~ Slack , Chats !
Exchangedd bag wiif heiiheii , no diifference lahhs ~~
Jus dat miine iis more heaviier :x Luffs* He was kiind enuff (:
Bus home wiif Xingan && Auggy ~ Lols ! Stomachh damndamn paiin .
It hadd been occuriing for th whole day ~ Siighs*
Home , Slp , Eat ~ && now usiing Computer (:
Jus nw receiivedd ytd's photo alrdy ! Damn funny ~
Jasmiine msq mii andd wantedd to giimmiie present !
Hohohohos ~ For my birthday (: Thks Girl ♥♥
Hmmms , ii've made my deciisiion , Siighs* Liisten ..
Hope you will understand Girls ? I'm nt copiing well .
Or rather , ii cnt cope at all . Sorry to ps you !
Off for teveee liiaooos ~~~ updateeeeed (:
PS : Pancake iis ohh-soo lovedd D:

Friday, April 4, 2008


Hohohohos ! Back postiing liiaoos (: Oh-so siianns !
Schhliing was super Great today ! Hohohos ~
Except for th stupiid activity duriing assembly -.-
Haf to close all door , seal all window , AGAINS !
Is super-uber hot uu noe !? I diid sweat (:
Luffs* Supersuper wet ! Cos veryvery hot lahhs !
Alriites then , went for MT lesson , funfun :D
As usual , love beiing late ! Luffs* Took photos (:
Piics will be loadedd soon , wiif vannessaYeo !
Took wiif Jasmiine , Duck , Char , Mad && XiiaoLiiangLaoShi :x
I'll get th piictures asap froom Vannessa (: Damn funny !
Then hadd Engliish lessoon , went to liibrarryy ~~~ Hohohos !
Duper shuang , cos duper hot uu noe !? Library iis heaven :x
Borrowedd 2 books usiing Angela's ez-link cards , thks Girl (:
Btw , go ! It's Great :D
Okok , back to topiics :x After schh was soso boredd ! Siighs*
Saw zhaoweii wiif hiis Friiends (: No comment ! Lols ~~
Went home and after dat went to Xingans house around 4 plus .
Ohhmyys ! Both of us were siimply INSANE luhhs ;DDD
Luff Luff Luff * Jus lik some mad Girls , But it's fiine !
We enjoyedd mahhs ! Luffs* Sharedd storiies and Chats !
Thks Xingan , I'm much better . Althought it's nt solved !
It's fiine (: I reallyreally ThkYou ! You are really really Great (:
Aroundd 9pm went home andd now surfiing Nets ;DD
andd tmrr iis .......... FRIDAY ! Hohohohohos ~ I Love Tmr (:
Is my Rest Day -.- Luffs* I suppose iim stayiing at home ?
Shall see then ! Hmmmms , iim soso vexed abt some stuffs ~
Somebody come ask mii wat happen plssss ~ SIGHS*
Btw , Yang iis Siick ! Hurhur ~ Tkcare ahh (: Don Worry !
I will try to fiind ur Grass WITHOUT Grass ASAP :DDD
Lastly , Junkiiat Scan tiis for miiiiii -.-
Taaaaaaaa-daaaaaaaaa ! Luffs* Pls (:

Thursday, April 3, 2008


back postiing ! Nth much , boredd ~
Schh was alriites lahhs , maths sucks !
Out of 60 ii only got 16 -.- Lousy man !
I dont wanna listen to Vinay lesson , lols !
He always explain dao worst uu noe !? Luffs*
aniiwae , English was ohh-soo fiine ! haaas ~
Said out everything to Aiai , muchh better :)
Thks Girl ♥ But still haf solution to tink -.-
Blablabla ! Star lesson was duper duper Lame ~
Saying abt future occupatiion ! Vinay so kb lahhs ~
So many ppl playing viwawa , only catch mii :X
Oh , btw ! Madmad's pencil case was miissiing ~
Cheeeer up Girl ;D Hope she will get back asap (:
After schh chit-chatiing wif JFYF & MAMA !
Then went to look for Daddy && Mamii [ DY & CK ] !
Luffs* They are "super" loviing :x I wan a meimei (:
Bus-ed home wif MAMA , ohh-shiit lahhhhhssssss !!!
My art iis still UNDONE ! Ohhhmyyysss ~~ I'm dead -.-
Btw , thks Sheanyang for listening (: Xiexie ahhs !
I will try to fiind Grass WITHOUR MSG for you -.-
Alriight , off to do art ! If nt tmrr nagging will start :X

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Booo-hooos ! I'm back postiing liiaoos ~ haaaas .
I'm super-uber sorry for not postiing for so long !
haaaas ~ well , many thiing really occur luhhs -.-

today , nth muchh ! friiday iis super relax day (:
was chiiongiing Boy's present th whole day !
So diidnt get to finish iin tiime , damn rushh ~
so was unable to peii Boy for pool , sorry ahhs !
aniiwae , went to slp aroundd 1am ii suppose ?
damn tiiredd ! hmmms , schh was boriingboriing ~

hohohohs ! today iis mee && Boy de one month (:
Finally :x aniiwae , meet up wiif Boy at iinter .
Hadd long John for lunchh , saw carmen.darliing !
haiiyohhs ! then Bus-edd to PasiirRiisPark (:
Gif Boy hiis present andd he saiid he wantedd to cry -.-
haiiyohhs , dont niid liiddat de nahhs ! haaaas ~
then both of us was supersuper boredd nahhrsss~~
Nowhr to go ! haaaas ~ So went to play bus -.-
Took bus 12 all th way to Chiinatown , Luffs*
Saw Yazi , Songhan they all , so qiiaoos (:
then Mrt-edd back to Tampiines agaiins -.-
haaaas ! Really no place to go mahhs , lols ~
So Boy came my house ! Was playiing computer ~
Aroundd 1am , madmad coll mii ~ Smth happen !
Lols ~~ Diidnt expect thiings to turn out lik tiis .
Hmmmms , aniiwae ! Leave everything for mon (:

went for family chalet today (: was duper siiann lahhs !
preparedd and went out aroundd 1pm , wiif kor && di ~
then meet 6th uncle , he fetch us to 206 -.- jiiieeeett .
went up andd look for carmen && help to preparre .
then aroundd 2pm , headedd to Downtown East (:
Aunt book iin th chalet andd ii diidnt help to carry thiings !
Luffs* mii && carmen was likk "vase", korkor say de -.-
haaaaas ! aniiwae , was super boriing ~ my phone went flat !
cos of smth , phones coll keep comiing iin andd was totally dead ~
yahhs , so no phone for mii duriing niight -.- then lik too bad ?
haaaaas ~ aroundd 7 plus , Boy came (: Yiling came too !
Chit-chattiing && Photo takiing , a few niiahhs ~ Super hot !
I mean th weather nahhs , was sweatiing lik hell :x haaaas ~
aniiwae , playedd sparkles too ! Ohhmyys , all th youngs chiildren -.-
haaaas ! But it's kiinda fun luhhs ~ then aroundd 11pm then go home !
Ohhmyys ~ I'm alrdy super tiiredd cans !? tmrr schlliing ~~
Then haf to send my aunt they all home , plus send Boy home (:
Reach home , Knock Out ! Superb-uber tiiredd mannnss ~

Ohh-soo boredd todayy ! Monday iis superr blueeeeee ~~
Morniing was almost late uu noe !? Rushh dao siiao :x
Clothes not iiron , Shoes wet ! Ohhmyyys , damn jingzhang ~
Then hadd mamii help (: Manage to reachh sch iin tiime !
Xingan reachh damn early , Sorry ii late wake up (: Luffs*
aniiwae , Maths iis really soso Boredd cans !? No mood ~
Perharps my Studiies iis droppiiingg ~~ Hohohohos !
Howhowhow !? I'm nt at least worry -.- Shall diie mans ~
Tryiing to cope wiif my studiies ? Hope ii can do iit ~
After schh hadd somethiing settledd , fiinallly ! hohohohos ~
iin th end , iit`s jus some miisunderstandiing (: Fine ! haaaaas ~
Piizze hut wiif JFYF , Aiai , Laopo & Std (:
after dat bus-edd home wiif Aiai , while she fiind Std too ~
Then ii go home lohhs ~ Bath andd preparedd , lols !
was told to briing didi to doctor -.- he dont look siick alriight !
meet Boy andd he peii mii (: Was super long lahhs , lols ~
Wait for half and hour andd was iinpatiience :x Left th clinic !
Hohohohohos ~~ So went home and watchh teeevveeee !
10pm , Liights off ! Off to slp , wiif Boy watchiing mii slp (:

Ohhmyyys ~~ First day of April , hadd to beCAREFUL (:
haaaas ! morniing was hothothot ~ S'pore sucks :x
Weather super hot lahhs ! Btw , Sam.daddy was at coffee shop ~
Diidnt get a channce to see dao hiim , nehhmiinds papa ! D:
Sch was damn shag , haiis ~ Maths , same ! everythiing AK :)
AK mean AhKuTaTaUh , short form so AK lohhs -.- -.- -.- !
aniiwae , art was damn damn moodless ! SIGHS`SIGHS`SIGHS*
Super sucks lahhs ! Hadd to RE-DO sketchhes andd layouts ~
hadd some thoughts of Droppiing art ! But can ii afford to ? haiis .
I needs adviice plssss ~~ Eng was nth nth nth ! hadd counseliing ~
From a counseller , whiichh haf th same name as rasmeer's dad -.-
Luffs* was feeliing muchh better , but still haf to tiink carefully bahhs ?
MT was damn funnyy ~~ Whole class was super havoc uu noe !?
B.cos today iis 1st of apriil , so we must Joke ! Hohohohohos ~~
1st target , LiangLaoShi (: She belief uu noe , even mii -.-
they saiid ther was one sec3 guy kena acciident tiis morniing , 7pm .
Outsiide schh , andd ambulance came . In th end they send hiim back .
noe why ? Cos today iis April Foooolllllll ! Ohhmyys , her expressiion -.-
She kena twiice liiaoos ~ haaaas ! Sch was really havoc today (:
B.cos iis th First Day of April ! haaaa ~ After schh , bubbletea shop !
Xingans actually wanted to come , but iin th end cnt . Nvm Girl (:
aniiwae , ii hadd to pass up 8 Layouts on Thursday -.- Can ii ?
I shall try hor ? Told mamii abt droppiing Art , kena Scold !
Tmd* But I'll jus try my best lohhs ! Cnt then too bad -.-
Off to search for Artist -.- I Love My Siisters ! Really ~
You ppl are really GreatGreatGreat ! Thks for couragiing (:


Meeee , Carmen && Yiling (: