Sunday, April 6, 2008

100th post :DDD

Hohohohs ! back postiing liiaoos , Luffs*
Currently iin Xingans house, agaiins :)
Was super hyper jus nw , even now !
we are jus luffiing liik mad uu noe !?
Luffs* Even Junkiiat && HC joiin iin too ~
Luffiing over Xingan famiily , Xinzhang famiily -.-
Luffs* Jk friiend was funny , ask us why keep luffiing !
Haiiyohhs , dont luff then keep cryiing mehhs ?
Was teachiing Xiingan Maths , funfunfun !
I could learn maths too ! Algebratiic -.-
At least ii noe how to almost all th questiion :x
then hadd Mac breaks ! Luffs* Ate mcdonald :)
Eat McChicken Student Meal , Upsiizedd ! Luffs*
They dont let mii buy , cos dont haf ez-liink card !
In the end , bought and left -.- ohh-soo siianns ;DD
And back to math lesson agaiins ! But now , rest ~~
Tmrr morniing goiing to bedok temple , siiannsiiann !
Haf to wake up up soso early lahhs :x Jiieeettt ~
Perharps goiing out wiif Xingan & Auggy :DD
Of cos wiif Junkiiat && Frieinnd lahhs , lols !
Siiannsiiann ! Off to do other thiings , byeeeee ~

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