Wednesday, April 30, 2008

back postiing ~ sorry for not postiin for soso long !
andd ii swear, ii dont rmb wat ii diid aniimore :x
let mii recall ~~ hmms, 25Apriil went to beachh !
diidnt repaiir phone, cos very mafan ~ luffs*
so mii, Aiai && Nuer went home andd meet up.
ohhmyytiianns ! duperduper hot cans !? rofls :x
diid smth stupiid ! ohhmyys :x secrets btwn us !
lols ~~ back to my hse, blablabla ! nth to post :x
26Apriil, whr diid ii go uhs? ohhmyys , forget :x
27Apriil . meet xiingan && contiinue rot at home .
chiiong Boy's present for the whole day, nvr study :x
hack iit ! Boy's present more iimpt (: haaaaas ~~~
aniiwae, 28Apriil charr was nt feeliing well ! Jieeet ~
then she went home lohs . she's nw feeliing better !
lols ~~ Happy annii to her && liincoln ;DD luffs*
schh was ohh-soo boredd ! andd fiinally, 29Apriil :)
as usual, go schh, recess, study :x still th same lahs !
then fangxue went home, waiit for Boy to come .
andd ii fall aslp ! sorrysorry :x was damn tiiredd ~~
thks darling Boy, ii love your present alot alot (:
no matter iis wat, ii appreciate. B.cos iit's frm you !
okok, then 30Apriil. Happy annii to Juan && Diino ;D
exam today ! hurhur, lucky ii diidnt wriite wrong :x
but maybe out of poiint ! luffs* blablabla ~~
after exam went to Eastpoiint to repaiir phone .
hurhur ! saturday go take (: yuppiies ! luffs* ate BK, niiceniice !
but as usual, diidnt finishh :x then jiu homesweethome liiaos !
bath andd out agains ~ went to Xingan hse andd help Junkiat to do art -.-
andd MrHuanchoon, iis doiing nth thr ~ luffs*
but he's gd at liie-iing :x jkjk ! huanchoon iis cute (:
aniiwae , home aroundd 7 plus && help korkor buy diinner.
these few days ii keep help hiim, guaii hor :x haaaas !
dat fat piig , keep attiitude , wtf siiohhs
tmrr maybe studyiing wiith xiingan, or yangyang (:
byeeeee !

Tags repliied
Clare : Great Girl (: end faster better ! if nt you are th one hurt ~ anything coll mii ;D
Huiiyu : Xingannnnnnnn ! lovelove (: thks for peiing mii !
Jasmiine : HALO ! luffs* exam liiao, cnt shout shout :x
Boyfriiend : Yea boy (: I also enjoyed althought we didnt go out ! Thks for beiing so great ! I love you Boy :D
Gerald : Thks (: scarescare* luffs!

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