Saturday, April 12, 2008


donedone :DD luffs* morniing was super tiiredd :x
wake up aroundd 11, then went to preparees ~
then meet XY andd took bus 293 to 400+ -.-
th bus lik damndamn long , andd guess wat ?
when th bus came, 3 bus came ! Luffs**
took th second bus which haf NOBODY at all !
only mii, her andd the bus-driiver -.- haaaas ~
aniiwae , it startedd to raiins andd was damn drenchedd :x
then she went for haiir cut , damn cute lahhs ~~
ahhgong :x look at her long long friinge, Luffs pls !
aniiwae , ate wanton mee andd bus back to my house !
lols ~~ startedd to do work, plus siingiing song andd tv on :x
blabla ! then aroundd 6plus, starts to cam-whorres :DD
luffs pls ! korkor soxiiaoqi :x dont wanna help us take ~
lols ! then went to buy diinneer andd saw hubert & co.
luffs* they shout my mother name -.- WATEVER :x
back home andd now iim postiin ~~ hohohohos ! hmmms,
tmrr miight nt be postiing ii guess ? Jiiiieeeeeetttt :x
Haf to wake up at 7am -.- go eat breakfast fiirst, then go fiind aunt .
haaaas ! I'm gonna wake my couiin up :x andd Half-boiled Egg :DD
Done wiith postiin :DD Offf to contiinuueeeeee , B-byeeeee :x

PS : I miiss my Boyfriiend ! Monday then meet :(

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