Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Booo-hooos ! I'm back postiing liiaoos ~ haaaas .
I'm super-uber sorry for not postiing for so long !
haaaas ~ well , many thiing really occur luhhs -.-

today , nth muchh ! friiday iis super relax day (:
was chiiongiing Boy's present th whole day !
So diidnt get to finish iin tiime , damn rushh ~
so was unable to peii Boy for pool , sorry ahhs !
aniiwae , went to slp aroundd 1am ii suppose ?
damn tiiredd ! hmmms , schh was boriingboriing ~

hohohohs ! today iis mee && Boy de one month (:
Finally :x aniiwae , meet up wiif Boy at iinter .
Hadd long John for lunchh , saw carmen.darliing !
haiiyohhs ! then Bus-edd to PasiirRiisPark (:
Gif Boy hiis present andd he saiid he wantedd to cry -.-
haiiyohhs , dont niid liiddat de nahhs ! haaaas ~
then both of us was supersuper boredd nahhrsss~~
Nowhr to go ! haaaas ~ So went to play bus -.-
Took bus 12 all th way to Chiinatown , Luffs*
Saw Yazi , Songhan they all , so qiiaoos (:
then Mrt-edd back to Tampiines agaiins -.-
haaaas ! Really no place to go mahhs , lols ~
So Boy came my house ! Was playiing computer ~
Aroundd 1am , madmad coll mii ~ Smth happen !
Lols ~~ Diidnt expect thiings to turn out lik tiis .
Hmmmms , aniiwae ! Leave everything for mon (:

went for family chalet today (: was duper siiann lahhs !
preparedd and went out aroundd 1pm , wiif kor && di ~
then meet 6th uncle , he fetch us to 206 -.- jiiieeeett .
went up andd look for carmen && help to preparre .
then aroundd 2pm , headedd to Downtown East (:
Aunt book iin th chalet andd ii diidnt help to carry thiings !
Luffs* mii && carmen was likk "vase", korkor say de -.-
haaaaas ! aniiwae , was super boriing ~ my phone went flat !
cos of smth , phones coll keep comiing iin andd was totally dead ~
yahhs , so no phone for mii duriing niight -.- then lik too bad ?
haaaaas ~ aroundd 7 plus , Boy came (: Yiling came too !
Chit-chattiing && Photo takiing , a few niiahhs ~ Super hot !
I mean th weather nahhs , was sweatiing lik hell :x haaaas ~
aniiwae , playedd sparkles too ! Ohhmyys , all th youngs chiildren -.-
haaaas ! But it's kiinda fun luhhs ~ then aroundd 11pm then go home !
Ohhmyys ~ I'm alrdy super tiiredd cans !? tmrr schlliing ~~
Then haf to send my aunt they all home , plus send Boy home (:
Reach home , Knock Out ! Superb-uber tiiredd mannnss ~

Ohh-soo boredd todayy ! Monday iis superr blueeeeee ~~
Morniing was almost late uu noe !? Rushh dao siiao :x
Clothes not iiron , Shoes wet ! Ohhmyyys , damn jingzhang ~
Then hadd mamii help (: Manage to reachh sch iin tiime !
Xingan reachh damn early , Sorry ii late wake up (: Luffs*
aniiwae , Maths iis really soso Boredd cans !? No mood ~
Perharps my Studiies iis droppiiingg ~~ Hohohohos !
Howhowhow !? I'm nt at least worry -.- Shall diie mans ~
Tryiing to cope wiif my studiies ? Hope ii can do iit ~
After schh hadd somethiing settledd , fiinallly ! hohohohos ~
iin th end , iit`s jus some miisunderstandiing (: Fine ! haaaaas ~
Piizze hut wiif JFYF , Aiai , Laopo & Std (:
after dat bus-edd home wiif Aiai , while she fiind Std too ~
Then ii go home lohhs ~ Bath andd preparedd , lols !
was told to briing didi to doctor -.- he dont look siick alriight !
meet Boy andd he peii mii (: Was super long lahhs , lols ~
Wait for half and hour andd was iinpatiience :x Left th clinic !
Hohohohohos ~~ So went home and watchh teeevveeee !
10pm , Liights off ! Off to slp , wiif Boy watchiing mii slp (:

Ohhmyyys ~~ First day of April , hadd to beCAREFUL (:
haaaas ! morniing was hothothot ~ S'pore sucks :x
Weather super hot lahhs ! Btw , Sam.daddy was at coffee shop ~
Diidnt get a channce to see dao hiim , nehhmiinds papa ! D:
Sch was damn shag , haiis ~ Maths , same ! everythiing AK :)
AK mean AhKuTaTaUh , short form so AK lohhs -.- -.- -.- !
aniiwae , art was damn damn moodless ! SIGHS`SIGHS`SIGHS*
Super sucks lahhs ! Hadd to RE-DO sketchhes andd layouts ~
hadd some thoughts of Droppiing art ! But can ii afford to ? haiis .
I needs adviice plssss ~~ Eng was nth nth nth ! hadd counseliing ~
From a counseller , whiichh haf th same name as rasmeer's dad -.-
Luffs* was feeliing muchh better , but still haf to tiink carefully bahhs ?
MT was damn funnyy ~~ Whole class was super havoc uu noe !?
B.cos today iis 1st of apriil , so we must Joke ! Hohohohohos ~~
1st target , LiangLaoShi (: She belief uu noe , even mii -.-
they saiid ther was one sec3 guy kena acciident tiis morniing , 7pm .
Outsiide schh , andd ambulance came . In th end they send hiim back .
noe why ? Cos today iis April Foooolllllll ! Ohhmyys , her expressiion -.-
She kena twiice liiaoos ~ haaaas ! Sch was really havoc today (:
B.cos iis th First Day of April ! haaaa ~ After schh , bubbletea shop !
Xingans actually wanted to come , but iin th end cnt . Nvm Girl (:
aniiwae , ii hadd to pass up 8 Layouts on Thursday -.- Can ii ?
I shall try hor ? Told mamii abt droppiing Art , kena Scold !
Tmd* But I'll jus try my best lohhs ! Cnt then too bad -.-
Off to search for Artist -.- I Love My Siisters ! Really ~
You ppl are really GreatGreatGreat ! Thks for couragiing (:


Meeee , Carmen && Yiling (:

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