Managed to grab some time to update a little now :D
Okay, starting with my first day of work, hehehehehehe ~
Pretty scared and anxious the night before, can't sleep !
Haha, ok I know I very noob... Anyway, work at 12pm !
Reach there before boss, and every was still pretty ok....
Slowly settled down and chat like friend, he's friendly !

And he treated me beancurd ! Rejected, but he insist xD
Pretty nice, at least better then QQ Beancurd... *no-offense*
Damn slack and fun working over there, I like *hehe* :D
Time past really fast, got extended till 8pm, hungryyyyy ~
And boss is pretty sweet, he bought Old Change Kee for me !

Got extended till 8pm, because his wife will be late ~
But anyway, thought when she come I'll just go off...
So the wife came and boss ask : "Ok come, Main course?"
I was like, "Har? Eat again?" Haha, pretty paiseh actually !
Whatever I eat that day, he treat ! Why are they so nice ?
Anyway, he bought dinner and we ate together ! *so-sweet*
Finished out dinner around 8pm, ended my work :D
Love my work now and can't wait to work again, HEHEHE !
Rest at home Sunday and hell week starts today, awwww....
Went for the damn NetRider from 2-5pm, *as-usual-boring* !
School's network is down, can't get any exercise done...
BUT BUT BUT.......
Meet up with WY after NetRider and went for movieeeeee ~
Went to return her uniform at Sakae, here mark a full stop !
Had dinner at Kopitiam, like after so long ? *yu-pian-mi-fen*
Still pretty early for movie, went walking around the 3 malls...
Decided to get contact lens, $110 fly away ~~ But quite worth !
Times up, bought popcorn and head in the cinema for our movie ~

Super nice ending I must say ! Hohohoh *lantianweisohandsome* !
Kind of chatting with WY in the cinema, like our house :/
But surprisingly the cinema don't really have a lot people ?
Finished the movie at around 9pm ? Bought so much stuff....
All food, Kenny Roger; Old Chang Kee; 51; Laoban; Tori-Q ! *sinful*
Here marks the end of my Monday, it's F1 even next, hoho ~
And the Net-Rider competition on Thursday, 745 reach AMK T.T
And tomorrow F1, meeting YX at 10am at Tampines interchange !
Wish me good luck, can't wait to finish up this week, hohohoh ~
goodnight, bye-bye !
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