So I'm here to posting about my experience to NYP for NetRider competition.
Okay I'm not that kind of super pro for networking, no idea why they choose me also..
But anyway, first time going to NYP was pretty cool ? Their school so big...
Super crazy, we need to reach at 8am !! Meet the guys and cab over :D
Got the "goodies bag" from Cisco, and teeshirt ! Choose green out of blue because the blue look so sucky :/
Anyway, had a great day over there, pretty nice experience ~
And as usual, photos of me and the guys ! Hohohohoho ~

Next up will be about the F1 job I got from Yxiang, pretty excited at first...
But the image is kind of ruin by the people there, like a super stingy ?
Forget it, wo da ren bu ji xiao ren guo ! Hehe, it's fun to work with guys :)

First day of work was pretty bored, working with all the strangers....
But of cause with the guys around they made me enjoy working there :)
Food provided was super sucky I must say, first day : Curry & Chilli Veggie!!
Like a wtf, I actually learn to eat Curry this way, I'm way too hungry already...
Work ended around 12am and it's a sure for supper, because the food taste like shit!!
Second day was a better one, lesser people and we get to enjoy the free tattoo beside out booth :D
So we took turns to go for the tattoo, everyone had theirs at different area, hehe ~
Managed to take photo of this 3D painting on the floor ! I'm the champion and baby's 1st runner up ~

And as usual, I'll take photos with everyone :/Below are some photos of me with the guys :D

And here's the 重头戏来了 ! FIREWORKS ♥

Finally done with this long post of mine ! Will update about the Legoland very very soon ~
Gonna be working for the upcoming few days, money money money, hehehe !
Okay time to sleep, goodnight ~
. G O O D . B Y E . R E A D E R S .
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