Friday, September 14, 2012

Deston's 21st ^^

Here's another late post of mine !
Had been way too busy during August :/

It's been one month ago ! Pretty long...
Saw the photo above ? Still at baby's house !
Anyway, went to Deston's 21st, *august4*

Look at his wall, pretty creative isn't it ?
He used his photos to decorate :)
And as usual, photos with the bday boy !

And of cause, my face with ITE mates xD
Hehehehe, nice catch up with them, I miss ite life :(

Was seating around buffet area with them :)
Pretty crowded, busy birthday boy had to entertain !
A very good friend of his got him this "interesting" thingy ~


Pretty funny and cute for him ! Haha ~
Everybody went to him and asked him for photos !
Of cause we joined in the fun too, hehehe :/

Let me share this interesting request from bday boy !
He request us to bring a photo that is taken with him ~
For me and Yvonne was ok... But the guys had a hard time !
They went fb to search for photos, some even cropped out :/
So his actual motive is to write a "autograph book" :D

Here's my page of wishes and greeting to him :)


Lastly, ending this post with a group photos of us ♥♥

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