Ohya, did I mention korkor went BKK with his friends ? Anyway, he's back !!
Went to airport to fetch him, together with cousin and family :D
As usual, photos of me with everyone that was around.....
Waited for like an hour ? Finally he's out !!
Pretty hungry and we rush for food once he's done ~
Not forgetting a group photo of him & his friends :)
Had a hard time deciding what to eat before he's out....
So final decision, we went Swensen ! Long time didn't eat ~
And here's the food we ordered, NOM-NOM-NOM !
Look so yummy right ? Yes, it's super nice :DDD
Lastly, a group photo of us ! SMILE (^o^)
Rush to Ehub after that, working from 3-7pm !
While Baby went to meet Yvonne & Ervin :)
Time past pretty fast, busy chatting with boss xD
And tiktok...tiktok...tiktok...tiktok....... It's 7pm !!
Meet up with them and head over to Emma's birthday chalet !
Pretty coincidence, SBB was there too, he's Emma's cousin ~
WQ, YZ was also there ! They were her Secondary sch friend :D
Anyway, keep ourself entertained and chat quite a lot !
Together with SBB also :) Nice catch up with him !
All the way till she cut cake, around 10pm ? PHOTO ^^
Went off around 11pm ? Head over to my house nearby void-deck ~
Had an advanced celebration for mooncake festival, only candles :D

Back my house around midnight ? Ate McDonalds, chatted till 2/3am !
Love my simple and nice Saturday ♥