Monday, April 2, 2012

Baking with ❤ !

Baking with this silly guy of mine, like our first time ?

Hahaha, he was cutting nails to be prepared to mix the dough !

TADA ! Finally done mixing all the ingredient together ^^ !
But the dough looks so watery.... Okay, so this is our first try !

While waiting for the cookies to be done..... 老伴 BEANCURD ❤
Like not enough manzxc... I bought 10, but now I left none already :(
So addicted to 老伴 la ! Wish I could get to eat it everyday !

He actually take a chair, sit infront of the oven & watch !
Hahahahahahaha, why does he always do things to make my laugh ?

Took photos while waiting for the cookies to be done !

LOOK AT HIS "BUAY-SONG" FACE ! Look down & you'll know why.....

I accidentally broke his "鬼" cookie & he gave me that face :(

But this "MICKEY" is nice ! Such a pity he accidentally broke the Mickey's ear !

So after a whole long day, WE ARE FINALLY DONE WITH BAKING ^^
We actually spent quite a lot of time testing the oven temp !

So went prepared & pack up ! Wanted to head over to Old Airport Road, but too late....

In the end, we went Lavender for steamboat ! Like super last min :/
But at least we ate till damn full & it's super shiok ^^ !

Had a super filling dinner, so we decided to walk to Bugis !
In order to fulfill my craving for beancurd, we went for DESSERT ^^

It's my first time there & I feel that the menu on the table is damn cool !
There's no menu on paper, yes, THE MENU ARE PRINTED ON THE TABLE !!

Ordered this "Durian Shaved Ice" and shared it with baby ❤

Didn't regret ordering this ! Although it's $6, it's really kind of worth it ;)

It's like super sinful I know, we ate steamboat, followed by such a heavy dessert :/
But well, 久久一次, should be okay la ! MRT back to Tampines, & ended our day ^^
Enjoyed my day with baby super lot ~ And we're going for swimming tomorrow !
But thanks to the dessert, MY THROAT IS FEELING A LITTLE UNWELL NOW :(
Hopefully I'll feel better after a sleep later on ? HEHEHE, gdbye ;)

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