Sunday, April 1, 2012

April fool ! Out alone ;)

It's April Fool, and I'm heading out alone ;)
It's my off day but baby's working, so I went out myself !

Went to Old Airport Road on my own to buy 老伴 beancurd !
Super long queue, but I think it's worth to queue ;)
Bought 10 at one go ! It look damn nice, but it's heavy !

So I carried these 10 beancurd, MRT to Bishan & meet BFF ;)
This lady went back to AB, first day of working whining already !
Accompanied her for dinner & went to buy KOI too ^^

Went to Bishan's Artbox, *MY-FIRST-TIME-GOING-THERE* !
Okay, it's been a long time since I meet Wangxiao toooooooo !
Chatted up a bit ! *SIGH* So many stuff to update to her :(
But had a awesome chat with them too ^^ Beancurd for them too !
After leaving there, I left 7 beancurd ! 2 for BFF, 1 for wangxiao :)

Right after I left Bishan, I actually cab over to Evans (Baby's workplace) to surprise him !
And this guy, don't even recognize me when I walk in from the entrance ~.~
But when he walk over, he actually say "讨厌啦!" *HAHAH* So cute ❤
So he actually request to leave early, and he knock off at 10pm ^^

Was thinking that I'll be heading home alone, but he say "不要啦,我不放心!" ❤
So ya, we went back his house ! Wait for him to pack stuff, then to my house !
HEHEHEHE ! Why am I so blessed to have this guy as my boyfriend ?
Anyway ! That's how I spent my April Fool on 2012 ^^ ! How about you ?

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