Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Orientation :)


Meet up with cousins & baby on Monday ! Headed over to SP, and I think I look like a freaking idiot over there ? Cos I don't really know the way there ! So ya, waited for YZ but his lesson was delayed ! So in the end waited for 2 hours ? Hahah, MRT-ed to Bugis & walk over for Selegie Beancurd (≧◡≦)

But went for Chicken rice first before that ! And lucky enough, YZ picked up $10 from the floor ~ Hahah, so we paid $2 for the chicken rice, including drinks :DD Spend another $2 on the beancurd & we're like so damn super full ! So MRT-ed back home, and that's my monday :)

I enjoyed my orientation quite alot ? It's much better than I expected ! Couldn't get to sleep, not bcos I'm nervous or excited okay ! I just couldn't get to sleep, managed to sleep at 5am, but my alarm is 645am :( So ya, meet up with those people & headed off to gather ! Orientation are the same, first few hours all will be like mute, including me :p So our orientation are like this, but after lunch.... Things got better & we enjoyed those game !

Especially the water game, totally damn fun :) Had blister on my leg, cos we didn't want to get wet in our shoe, so we walk bared foot ! And, I feel kinda unwell after that cos I'm totally drenched ~ And I managed to head home around 7pm ? Missed out the night walk & I heard they are watching movie to make it more scary ! Just imagine me walking in the school with them, I'LL CRY I THINK :(

My classmates are not so bad ? Some were anti-socials & some with some "bengs" face ! Totally ruin...... But well, I have awesome classmate who are kinda interesting & fun to chat with ! As for tomorrow,I'm starting at 9am & ends at 12.30pm :D And we'll be having lunch outside with our OL ! And hopefully I can meet baby ? So ya, let's hope tomorrow's another gd day ? Off to sleep, tired :(


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