Friday, April 29, 2011

Great life in Poly :)

Okayyyy ! I'm back posting :D Sorry for not updating for like 10 days ? I've been really busy with schools & outing ! Okay, firstly talking about my orientation ? My orientation was overall fun & it made me know more friends :D Including the OL, they are helpful in some ways & I have my own cliques too ~ But anyway, enjoyed my last weekend ! Friday went cousin's house for swimming & BBQ :D Enjoyed myself alot & meet up with baby after that ~ He stayed overnight ! Saturday went swimming again with ITE classmates ~ Quite a nice catch up with them ? Head over to Baby's house nearby for meal, accompany him home after that ! Okay, we totally fall asleep all the way till 9 plus ~ So in the end, cab back my home ! He stayed for another night :D

Sunday, headed for movie with Yvonne &  Ervin ! Watch "Hall Pass" :) Not so bad movie, but I didn't know it's a M18 movie ! But anyway, while waiting for the showtime, we went for beancurd AGAIN :D I'm so in love with beancurd man ! Headed home myself & prepare for school on Monday :D Okay, from first day till yesterday, it's mostly introduction to course & some basic of the course ! But assignment & projects are already given ~ But well, I enjoyed my day in school with my classmates alot :) OHYA yesterday, finally collected my new baby "MacBook Pro" ! Hahahahah, so damn happy & I've been nagging & nagging in class keep repeating that I wants to collect my MacBook ! Hahah, when I finally got it, they gave me that face, "Happy already right!?" Hahahaha ~ Anyway, cabbed home & waited for baby at home for dinner ! His dad fetch him home around 10 plus ?

TODAY ! I had no lesson, shiok shiok :D But woke up around 8am, I'm used to it already -.- Okay, so woke up, was fiddling with my MacBook ! Gotta get used to it, it's different from Windows ~ And I've been waiting for the DPEX packet to come from 2pm... The time slot I selected is 2pm-6pm ! And it's 6pm now...

So ya ! Happy waiting :(

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