Friday, April 15, 2011

1 more day ♥

Back againnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn :)

Went TP yesterday & asked about the orientation thing ! They said they send out the package on 4th & 5th, but our enrollment is done on 6th...... SOYA ! We don't have the package :( But they gave me & asked me to submit on the first day of orientation ~ After that bus to 249, meet GZW over there ! He's so damn damn late I swear ~ But anyway, chatted awhile with my ex-manager's mother, *sighhhhhhhh* ! Life is so unpredictable :(

Anyway ! Walk to interchange to meet baby, but the rain is so horribly heavy ~ Managed to meet baby at T1, and he's mad angry at me :( He asked me to wait for him at the shelter, but yet I walk over without waiting for him ! So, I look so freaking drenched & he look so freaking worried :) We are suppose to go out, but we cabbed home immediately, cos I'm drenched ! So headed straight back home, went to bath immediately & baby went to takeaway Pizza for me cos I'm super hungry :)

A stay-home-day with baby isn't that bad ! I like the chit-chat-session with baby, and how I wish time would stays.... ANYWAY ~ He went home around 10 plus ? Such a short day spent with baby, it's always not enough :( Today I'm gonna rot at hm ? No idea yet, gonna wait for didi to come back & maybe I'll go to 5th aunt house with him ! For now, rotttttttttttttt ~ Gonna accompany mommy go downstair, and get some food to eat !

The moment I got nothing to do at home, I'm consider lifeless !


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