Saturday, October 31, 2009

I'll leave thens ?

Hellos ! Im back to post bout ytd's outing :D Had lots lots of fun, but tiring day I can say ~
Oh ! Didnt went for school for ytd, but I sitll wake up around 9 plus ~ Was watching AQBPS !
I got the disc so long agoooo ~ But, I didnt even watch finish the last time ! So now, watchinggg ~
Quite touching I can say ! I even teared ~ Well, Im still watching it now, online also have :DD
Meet up with Angela & Pinky, ate pizza hut ! Laugh, was joking and laughing away ~ Great !
Chatting bout everythingggg ! After that headed to E-hub for Kbox :D We totally went crazy ~
Shouting & screaming away ! Took photos ~ All the way from 3pm till 9pm xD

Ohya, we went to take neoprints ! Just see the photo, and you'll know how crazy we are ~
Went to 201 & find Korkor ~ Waited for him to end his work, then walk back home !
Awwwhs, quite a tiring day for me ! Today ate Mac breakfast, collecting the monopoly thingy ~
But, it's impossible to collect all I guess ? And back home, watching show & rot till now !
Later on gotta go temple, how boring it's gonna be ? But well, I'll be meeting SBB :D Okay de !
Done done done ! I'll go bath now :D Ohya, see this cameraa ! I want this this this, can I ? :D

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Missed me anyone ? Laughhh . School for ytd was, fineeee ? Nthg much I guess ...
Went for both lesson ytd, how greatt ! & I saw XGBFF almost everydayyy :D
How great it is huhh ! And, PM1 project is getting on hand now, I hope so ?
Moods affected by some thingy, which I think it's my wrong ? I dont knw mann !
Well, I think just gonna leave things like this ? I cnt do anything to help...
Blabla ! Tmr is friday, I wont be going school . Reason is, Im too lazy to !
Ytd night I had alot of dreams ! Some were great, but totally impossible I guess .
And some were, irritating ~ Anyway, I cnt stand people who dont respect, dont you ?
Some will know who Im saying ! But well, I cnt do anything to stop, how saddd ~

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Great Day !

Woahhh ! It has been a long time since I've uploaded so many photos at onceee ~ Laughh :D
Was quite late for today's 1st lesson ! Cause I couldnt squeeze in the squeezy bus 12 ~
Took 293 to Tamp inter, then took 31A to school ~ Boring lesson, not much people were around !
Till 9plus, Yvonne cameee ~ Well, break at 10am ! East Point eat, then Jimson houseeee ~
Was doing the PM1 project ~ Laughhh ! Me with Gene, in-charge of the water convention thingy ~
Means I gotta do research on Marina Barrage, NEWater all those placee ! Cool I guess ?
Was playing with Xiang's laptop webcam, laughh ! Ben look so cute, AhHua also, lauhhhh !
Anyway, back to Roney's lesson at 3pm ! Skipped Thomas's lesson . Very long nvr see him ~
Cause keep skipping his lesson ~ Blablabla ! Tmr morning gonna go his lesson, 9am in the morning ~
And tmr gotta do PM1 project @ Deston house after lesson I guess ? Hope faster finish, hahahah ~
CARE lesson was pathetic today ! 11 people turn up only, laughhs . As usual, nonsense !
T1 meet Mommy after that, then went home ! Bath, headed to Bedok 511 for dinner with family :D
Was teasing one another, this & that ~ Great dinner we had, laughh ! I will be very busyyy ~
This weekend, go Temple ! Next weekend, Carmen's mom chalet coming ~ Another week, 7th aunt !
All the way till 17 Nov, I gotta go M'sia with family ! How great it is to be busy hur, hahahaha :x
I rather be busy, than being alone thinking this and that ! No good no good, laughhh :DD
Doneeeeeeeee ! Tmr, gotta prepare sandwiches with Didi in the morningggg ~ His good idea -.-
And, I'll sure be late tmr ! Gotta take bus to Tamp inter then change bus, love to be slowww ~

Monday, October 26, 2009


Awwwhs ! I have the rights to say, monday blueeee noww :D Monday's timetable sucks man !
Morning 7am, wake up and drag myself up the bed ! Late for lesson, but teacher went MIA ~
Didnt had a teacher till 8.30am, relief teacher came telling us to go for break ! Totally -.-
Headed to gym, chatting with Bens ! Cycled awhile, and 10.30am headed for Thomas lessonn ~
Then break, they headed to Cafe 3 ~ Didnt eat, cause it's not my type ! PM1 lesson was funnn :D
Career fair on 12 Nov ! Fill up the application form, & gotta pass it up tmr I guess ?
I'll be the one collecting ~ Laughh ! Anyway, Rooney's lesson presentation againnn ~
After lesson headed to Grandma house, took bus 17 ther ~ But, it's quite a distance to bus stop !
Thanks Gordon for acc-ing me to chat on the phone all the way ! Laugh, was grumbling to him ~
Bout so many things happening in school, making me so impatient & irritated ~ Laughh !
But seriously thanks to him :DD Reach grandma house, ate dinner & waited for Mommy to come !
Headed back home, was busy watching show ! Momo Love & Autumn's Concerto ~
Both quite nice show ! And now, it's time for me to listen to songs Gordon send me ~
Quite alot of song ! And, Im into english song nowadays ~ So people, send me if you haveee :D
Well, now fiddling with the Project for PM1 ! We gotta do on water issue, *Water is precious*
Big headache mannn ~ There's so many things to be done, content page & task list ! Omg..
Im done with blogginggg ! Off to fix the list & chapters to be written, projects ah projects ~

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Should I ?

Hellooooooos ! Im back ~ Last night, did project till around 7 plus ~
Dinner at Yishun &took bus 39 back home ! Bath & went to Angela's house ~
Saw YongXiang @ Bus stop, he was night cycling ~ Laugh, chatted awhile then !
Reach her house, watch tv ~ Looking at phones, Im gonna buy T715 asap man !
While Charmaine gonna get her W705, both of us will get Pink colour !
Chatting bout this and that, all the way till 6am I guess ? Tired mann ~
Sleep till around 1pm ? Ate Mac breakfast Angela's mom bought in the morning .
Rot all the way till 4pm, bath & stand by for the supriseeee ! *excited*
It's a good plan, and Angela's mom got so shock ~ It's her 50th birthday :D
Celebrated with cake, and some food they preparedd ! Quite cool I can say ?
Went home around 7 plus with Charmaine & QingFang ~ Back home, tired tired !
Tmr 8am, Im gonna be at school's field ! Im going for S&W tmr, hope its fun ~
Done posting ! Im tired, so Im going to sleep nowwwwwwww.... *nights*

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Im not decisive ?

Im back ! Ytd night was outside till 1am ? Back home bath, 3am then sleep ~
That's my friday, how boring it is ! But well, it's over anyway :DD
Today, saturday ~ Gotta go Yishun & do project with Yvonne they all !
And tonight not gonna go home, going somewhr else all the way till tmr ~
My post will be short, from today onwards I guess ? Nthg to post...
Later, Im gotta take bus 39 all the way till Yishun, how great it is uh !
Just gotta listen to music, till I reach ! Hope, wont miss stops ah ~

不要对我太好, 我怕我会更舍不得?

Friday, October 23, 2009


Im back postinggggggg ! Today, skipped lessonnnn ~ Cause I overslept !
Anyway, was rotting for the whole day at home ! But, did house chores :DD
Washed clothes, dishes, fold clothes too ~ Am I great ? I think I am, hahahaha !
Alrights, People taking O level good luckkkkkk ! Including Ervin, Gene & Yang2 ~
I dont knw what to post..... Now going meet up with Angela & Co. ! Byeeeeeeee :DD

I want, I dont want ?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Awwhs !

Enough of the rubbish I've post for the past few days ! Well, just ignore if possible :D
Okay, my attendance is almost full ! Only for S&W, if not it will be full attandence ~
Althought everyday go sch, but late everyday too ! But, thr's so many projects need to be done .
Had been doing group work for all modules ! WLD's presentation was not really a good one !
But well, it's not an impt presentation anyway ! Laughs, schools was fun & really enjoyable :D
Laughing away I swear ! And today went to Grandma house, was playing with the kids, pretty cute ~

Omg, I seriously dont knw what to post please ! These few days, my temper is seriously bad ~
I gets impatience easily & got angry with people in my group almost everyday ! Laughs .
It's aint PMS okay ! But, things they do really make me... I dont understand the way maybe ?
But well, different people have different ways of doing things . Is it so hard to voice out ?
Laughs, tmr is a Friday ! No longer holiday for me, but Korkor ~ How great it is :D
But still I prefer to go school, than staying at home, snatching the computers with my brother !

I should be buying this phone I guess ? Laughs :DD

Nighhtttttts !

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Horoscope, how trueee ?

Pisces Astrology February 19 - March 20

Pisces Strength Keywords:
Compassionate, Adaptable, Accepting, Devoted, Imaginative

Pisces Weakness Keywords:
Oversensitive, Indecisive, Self-pitying, Lazy, Escapist

Pisces and Independence:
Pisces needs a dominant partner of role model in their life or they will very easily fall into a pit of self-pity and self-undoing. When they are independent and inspired by life's events, their creativity comes shining through but they are unable to be on their own for long before they start dreaming in their imaginary world of happy people and happy endings. They need other people to keep them grounded and on the right track.

Pisces and Friendship:
Pisces will go out of their way to help a friend. They are extremely sensitive and loyal. They will take a friend's problem and make it their own and suffer with them. This is the weak spot of Pisces but any friend of this zodiac sign should know that although they are attracted to people with severe problems who desperately need help, this actually does more harm them good. Even though Pisces will offer to make everything right, do not allow them to take on all your problems because they will lose their identity in your situation. They need a strong positive friend to make them strong. A Pisces friend will always have something exciting in mind and it is a very fulfilling, long lasting friendship.

Pisces and Business:
Pisces does not take well to a position of leadership or high business person, they are too sensitive and lacking in self-discipline and lacking self-confidence for a positions such as that. What they are good at is is writing, acting, poetry, or being musicians. They are extremely creative and can use their skills of creativity and their understanding of people to inspire others. Unfortunately, most Pisces take the easy way out in life and never attain the degree of fame that they possibly could, they have to stop self-doubting themselves because they are capable of being good role models and leaders to others, people do look up to them.

Pisces and Temperament:
The Pisces have extreme compassion and they feel the pain of others. If something is wrong in the world that affects them, it affects them deeply, they take it to heart and feel extreme feelings regarding the matter. When they are happy, they are extremely happy and when they are sad, they are extremely depressed.

Pisces Deep Inside:
Pisces trust their gut feelings and if they do not, they quickly learn to because they realize that their hunches are usually correct. Pisces downfall is their sensitivity and their inability to reject another person. They do not like rejection and they try to treat others the way they want to be treated so they will rarely say no to a person for fear of hurting their feelings. They will help another person with their problems and like to do so because making others feel good in turn makes them feel good. Pisces is the zodiac sign of self-undoing. People born under this zodiac sign are not susceptible to bad luck and unfortunate events, they bring them on themselves by overindulging, laziness and a knack for picking poorly suited partners and friends. The inner conflict of Pisces is extremes of temperament and conflicting emotions. They are trying to pinpoint themselves on the real world while their spiritual world can cloud their vision, they will try to escape or avoid a situation instead of confronting it. Pisces eternal struggle is to learn to use their powers and their imagination in a positive, productive way and vying for emotional stability by not giving away their emotions to everyone else, they need to help themselves.

Pisces in a Nutshell:
Pisces live in two worlds, the real world and the spiritual or mystical world where they interpret what they see into what they want. They do this to avoid all the realities of pain and suffering in the world. They have extremes of emotions and feel both good and bad intensively. Most Pisces are somehow involved with occult or spiritualism. Pisces are very good at understanding people for they have the ability to delve into the psyche and see behind a person's motivations. Pisces are not the pushovers that they may seem, in fact they have strength of character and will stand up for what they believe in and and they can do hard work for something they believe in. They can be very lazy but only in matters that they do not care about. Pisces is the most sensitive of all zodiac signs.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I wonder ?


Can anybody tell me, what's the point of doing smthg ?
When nobody understand me at all...

Monday, October 19, 2009

Decisions ?

Is it in the trend ? Choosing 1 out of 2 choices .
It's always like this, I seriously cnt make a decision ..
I'll keep hestitate bout this and that ?

( -updates- )

I guess human being are all like this ?
They would do things to make themself happy,
but not thinking bout whether they'll hurt people in some way .
Human being are all selfish ? I think Im selfish too..
Anyway, things she do I totally cnt understand .
What's the purpose of making people so pissed,
and you're laughing away ? Seriously, please !

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Im finally back ! Laughs, ytd meet up with XGBFF at her house downstair ~ Shawn's mother fetch us to the chalet ! Almost lost my phone man ~ Dropped at her car, but lucky I found it back ! Was helping the adults with buying this and that ~ In total, we went to the shop 7 time ! Laughs, the aunty was like, "You all came back and find me hars ?" Totally, damn paiseh man ~ Anyway, was boring in the chalet ! So headed out to E-hub, with XGBFF & Shawn ~ Blablabla, nthg much ? Bbq started, people started coming ~ This and that, blablabla ! I didnt sleep at all, due to some irritating issue ~ And headed for breakfast with XGBFF & Noel @ 6am ! Back to chalet, 3 of us was totally dozing off... Anyway, checked out chalet and bus back home ! Sleep around 12pm till 5pm, Im still so tired man ~ Im so hungry now ! Should I head to XGBFF house later on ? Im having slight flu, shit man ~ Off I go !

XGBFF, please cheer up !
Im not happy see-ing you in this state too..
Just rmb I'll always be ther for you .
Maybe not helping you in anything, but im here .
A listening ear, a shoulder, all for you !

Friday, October 16, 2009


Happy 17th Birthday my dearest XGBFF !

Well, im back from school ! Still have abit time, so gonna update a short post ~ Laughs . Well, ytd was a tiring day ? Lesson was nthg much, just that WAD lesson is boring ~ After school went home, then headed to XGBFF chalet ! Noel & Samson was ther too ~ Chatted awhile, Zhengwei came & went E-hub for dinner ! After that back to chalet, playing cards ~ Nthg much, laughs . Sleep around 12am ? Morning wake up at 6am ! Prepared, and headed to school for lesson with XGBFF & Noel ~ Blablabla ! 11.30am, finally the class is dismissed ~ Last lesson was Engkai's ! Super boring ~ It's like years when it's only a 1 hour lesson ! But anyway, rushed home and now Im going out to meet XGBFF again ~ I suppose tonight will be a great night ? Laughs, once again . Wishing XGBFF to have a great great birthday today ! <3

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

o.O !

Hellos, im back again ! Laughs, yesterday didnt went for lesson after the 2 hour break ~ Headed to Jim's house with Ervin ! They were playing X-box, while I rot ~ All the way till 2plus, took bus 2 to school ~ Nthg much, laughs . Reach Rooney's lesson, started doing tutorial ! Ohmygod, I totally dont knw what it's all about ~ Well, it's not any impt things actually . Cause it's just some introduction of the course ! Well, had CARE lesson ~ Class decided to change ClassRap ! Well, selected students were Yvonne, Fidah & me ! Laughs, after that headed to Tampines interchange ~ Meet up with Didi & Charmaine ! Walk around, smthg smthg smthg ~ Ate dinner at Tampines Mall, then went to 445 & meet up with Pinky ! Chatted awhile, laughing away again ~ Headd back home around 9pm ? Quite a tiring day man ! And, today's lesson was really really boring ~ Teacher aint teaching much, just wasting time away ! After lesson headed to find Desmond.S ~ Talking bout the Class Rap thingy ! After that, went Tampines with Yvonne & Ervin ~ Took bus 65 to Bugis ! Was chatting all the way, laughs . Reach Bugis, headed to Cinema & chatted thr for awhile ! Was talking bout 2012 that movie, Im gonna watch man ~ And, is 2012 really the dooms day ? Ohmygod, I dont want man ~ Anyway, ate Pepper Lunch ! Quite nice, my first time man ~ Laughs, after that headed to Pool Fushion ! Played till around 8plus ? Took bus 12 back home, cause I've got concession :D Oh well, tmr gonna skip 8am lesson, 10am then go school ~ Too tired please ! Laughs, after tmr lesson gonna meet up with XGBFF ~ Her chalet starts tmr, then ends on Sat ! Im gonna be staying over for both days, but still I'll go for Friday's lesson okay ! Cause, ther's only 2 Web App lesson once a week ~ So, cnt miss ! Okay done, B.byeeeeeeeeeee !


Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Heys, im currently in school now ! Laughs, wasnt paying attentions at all man ~ Awwhs, 8am lesson seriously boring and sleepy man ! Teacher keep teaching, but none of us was listening ~ Most of us, are in facebook online now ! Oh, by the way ~ I was late this morning, laugh . Purposely, cause didnt want to be in class so damn early with not much people around ! Till now, it's like only half of the class was presents ? Alright, MrRonney is saying about attachment thingy ~ Well, so next year this time I'll be having attachment I guess ? Hope Im not the unlucky 30s to stay back in school for stupid project while the others go for attachment ! Oh, I've got 2 hours of break later on ~ Whr should we go ? Laughs, so boring with so much breaks ! I still prefer the time table last term, althought it's packed at least we dont have to go school on Friday ~ Awwhs, the time is reaching 10am ! And we're all ready to go for breaks, cause his lesson is seriously super sleepy ~ Okay, im going off now ! B.byeee ~

Monday, October 12, 2009

Start afresh ?

Im back from the tiring day of mine ! Well, let me start from yesterday ~ Me, Yvonne & Ervin went to Henderson wave ! Laughs, we three are seriously idiot ~ We almost lost our way, & miss stops ! Still, we manage to climb up the long long stairs & reach our destinations ~ Nthg much actually ? Quite alot people, mostly were mid-age people ! Not much teenagers I guess ? Marina Barrage is better I guess ~ Laughs ! Okay, was chatting bout many things . Have you guys heard bout the dooms-day ? I think it's 2012, 20th december ! Well, this topic is really awwwwhs ~ Thinking back, are we really gonna dies ar 2012 ? I think all of us will be dying with lots and lots of regrets ~ Hope this is not true ! There's still alot alot of things I haven done man ~ Laughs, and this topic made us realise what we have done since we were born ! Blablabla ~ Headed back to Vivo for dinner after that ! Then went home earlier, cause there's a 8am lesson today ~ Well, ther isnt much people around ! I was late abit, but Ervin was worst ~ Totally ran 3 rounds and went to cafe 2 for drinks already ! Headed back to gather, the class was dismissed ~ Laughs, had 1 hour breaks ! Then WLD, it's thomas teaching us ~ Nthg much, some intro bout the course & of cause gotta pay for the labsheets all those ! But wasnt paying much attentions, was busy chatting & laughing away with the guys ~ Today both Kahyi & Yvonne didnt come, so Im the only girl in that big big group of ours ! Anyway, break for 1 hour again -.- Cafe 2 this time round, they tried the new stall ! Shall try next time, all of them said not bad ~ Anyway, went for PM1 lesson ! Was quite fun, laughing & laughing ~ So damn funny, Jimson did smthg so innocent & he's choosen to help the class buy books ! So damn poor thing, and it's so damn funny man ~ Anyway, This MrSingh said Im the roses amongs the thorns ! And ya, the guys are the thorns -.- Laughs, then Rooney's lesson ! Again, was slacking away & playing computer ~ This term, he's gonna teach us WNF ! Seems to be interesting ? Laugh, I think it's gonna be fun man ~ And yea, dismiss early once again ! Back home, and it's so damn tiring pleaseeee ~ Monday's lesson gonna be so tiring everyone week from now on, how boring it is ! Im gonna have Monday blues every monday now ~ How sad ! Laughs, tmr 8am lesson again ~ I enjoyed school life, seriously . Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Gym !

Back from the tiring day of mineeee ! Laughs, well ~ Morning wake up around 11 plus ? Tidy myself, then went to downstairs for lunch ! With Mommy, Bros & Angela ~ Well, after that went walking around with them @ tmart ! Went to Guardian, Watson ~ Bought this Blackhead thingy for nose, where can I find this thingy for face ? Laughs, cause my face is getting worst >< Anyway ! Headed back home, watch show for awhile & then meet up with Xinyi together with Angela ~ Went to gym, and started doing the cycle thingy ! For around 20mins ? Laugh, was chatting away with Angela & the time passed fast ~ After that, running thingy ! Blablabla, stayed in the Gym for 1hour only then left ~ Bath & went to 日本村 ! Totally like, gym for nothing >< Anyway, went walking around Tampines ! Bought the bag I saw in Zinc, hahahahaha ~ Im so happy ! Well, then went T1 the disney shop ~ Made 4 name tag ! One for me & another one for Angela ~ The other 2 is present ! Laughs, quite cheap I guess ? Anyway, walk around and keep eating ~ Ate Chicken wing, bought bubble tea ! And, im eating biscuit now >< My gym trip is useless I guess ? Anyway, headed back home ~ And now im at home, aloneee ! Laughs, the rest went to temple I guess ~ Ohya, tmr's my last day of holiday ! I wont be staying at home of causee ~ That's not me ! Laughs . Will be going out with Yvonne & Ervin, hahahaha :DD Who else going, I dont knw ? Done with blogging ! Ohya, im watching 康熙来了 from just now ~ I keep laughing to the computer screen man ! And, Im home alone ~ Laughs, anyway ! Gonna share this thingy bout Horoscope :DD

1. 双鱼座
2. 白羊座
3. 金牛座

1. 白羊座
2. 处女座
3. 双子座

1. 双鱼座
2. 白羊座
3. 射手座

1. 狮子座
2. 金牛座
3. 白羊座
4. 射手座
5. 巨蟹座

1. 处女座
2. 金牛座
3. 天坪座

Friday, October 9, 2009

Nthg is good, w/out you .

Hellos, im back ! Laughs, thursday meet up with Charmaine, Madeline & Cheehao ~ Went to CDC, while they took their final theory I think ? Was chatting with Cheehao, bout schooling thingy . Laughs, quite fast they were done ! Anyway, took bus back to Tampines interchange and meet up with Angela ! Was walking around Tampines, bla bla bla ~ Chatting all the way ! Around 5plus, I left them and went to Grandma house for dinner ~ Nthg much ba ? Was taking photos with cousins, she has got lots and lots of pattern I can say ~ And, was waiting for Mommy & Daddy to come.. So long ! Anyway, after that headed home ~ Last minute decision, overnight at angela house ! And yeaps, meet Charmaine & Angela at bus 12, then all the way till angela house ! Well, was chatting & chatting ~ Laughs, other than chatting, still chatting ! Too much to chat about, I guess so ? Cause it's seriously very long we last meet ! And, chatted till around 3am ? But angela doze off, so left me & Charmaine ~ Thanks girl, for listening to my nonsense & repeated stuff ! Laughs, feel much better of cause ~ Rather than not saying out, it's really really better ~ Well, angela went for school early in the morning and leaving the 2 of us sleeping ! Laughs, we did sleep till so so late ~ Around 3pm ? Not me, is charmaine :x Well, couldnt really sleep well in other people house . Dont knw why, bad habit of mine ! Laughs, it's the same when Im at ... house ~ Anyway, ate smthg and then left her house ! Took bus 12 till whitesand, searching for XGBFF present ~ We are really really unlucky I can say ? All 3 shops that we wanted to visit, are doing renovation -.- Totally, not our day ! Well, visited Guardian too ~ Totally, a strange place for me already ! I know nobody there man . And, my name is no longer in the list of workers ! So, how possible my name would appear in the schedule man -.- Well, im silently fired ! How sad man, laughs . Expected ! Well, took bus 21 back home ! And, nthg much I guess ? Oh, Charmaine was suppose to come my house overnight today ! But smthg cropped up, so only angela came ~ And she's playing so crazily with Bros ! Ohya ! Korkor just now treated me & Didi dinner, how great he is ~ Laughs, big thanks ! Im seriously full :DD And, tmr Im going to Gym ~ Laughs, time to go on diet girl ! 2 more days & there goes my holiday ~ This holiday was quite a good one ? I played hard, and earn some money too :D Well, im so so tired ! I couldnt get to sleep ~ Why is it like this, when my stomach gets better my sleeping time become a problem ! Laughs, I dont knw what's wrong ! I only know, blogger sucks ~ Keep having problem ! How lousy it is.... Anyway, post till here, byeeeeeeeee !

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Awwhs !

Awwhs ~ I had a bad morning for me ! Laughs, my time table is finally out mann ~ I've got no comment ! Just wanna share my timetable with you guys, laughs . Im going to prepare now, awhhs ! The thunder is so scary, and it's raining so heavily now ~ Should I bring a umbrella out ? Laughs, byeeeeeee ~

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Hello people im back ! And, my hair is so short now . Yes, I had a "V" shape when I put my hair behind, but the length is so so short.... Anyway, meet up with XGBFF today ! We two totally, we're smart today okay ~ Well, meet at Tmart ! Bus to 419, cut my hair ~ There's this hairstylist ! He's cutting so damn fast, faster than the one that cut for me ~ Laughs, I wasnt looking at the one cutting my hair ! Anyway, went to T1 and was walking around ~ Nthg much, so MRT to Bugis ! Started our shopping spree ~ Well, went to this shop and it's showing, 1 for $25 & 2 for $40 ! Me & XGBFF totally, want ma want ma ? And yeap, bought this kinda like jumper thingy for $20 each ~ Laughs, and she bought quite alot of things today I think ? I bought a wallet, that jumper & my hair leave-on conditioner thingy ! Spend around $40 I guess, im broke man ~ Anyway, while taking MRT back to Tampines, Charmaine called XGBFF ! Asking for my number, but Im just beside her ~ Laughs, walk around Tampines awhile then bus to Tmart ! Back home put those things we bought, and meet Charmaine ~ Together with Cheehao, such a long time we didnt meet I swear ! Chatted for so damn damn long ~ Totally, talking bout last time thingy ! Those funny & silly things we once did, seriously quite a great chat ~ Went to XGBFF house, continue chatting ! Laughs, we do have alot to chat man xD All the way till 10pm, chatter box man ! Anyway, back home bath & im going to sleep soon ~ Tmr Im meeting Charmaine & Angela, Madeline too ? Hope it wont be weird, byeeeeeeeee ~


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Late candles ~

Heyohs ! Im back posting now . Yeaps, suppose to go work today ! But, texted Syahida and she told me Im not working ~ So, not working today ! And, I guess Im fired silently ~ Laughs, they didnt put me in the schedule for 2 weeks already . Fine then, dont work le xD Laughs ! Woke up around 11 plus ? Was using computer for the whole day, till afternoon ? Anyway, meet Guoen & Gerald ! Together with Didi, well ~~ How weird it is ! But, this Guoen made me & Didi waited for him so damn long ~ Laughs ! And he said he's doing house chores, okay then :x

Well, headed to Sakae ! Gerald's treat, thanks :DD Chatted for awhile, all the way till around 7pm ? Laughs, acc Gerald go buy bag ~ And I saw one bag in zinc, I wanted to muchh ~ I would buy man ! Anyway, Gerald left 1st ~ Saw Xiuyi & Co. at MRT nearby ! After that, we actually wanted to go home . But, last minute decided to go play candles ! How last minute we are ~ And yes, we bought sparkles & candles !

Yes, im seriously damn bored ! Laughs, they were busy playing with fires ~ And me, slowly lighting up the candles and playing the sparkles ! Saw Xiuyi & Kevin again, laughs . They were going home ! Well, played till around 10 plus ? Walk home with this 2 bodyguards of mine ! Chatted quite alot ~ Well, human being are like this ! Laughs, was sweating like hell when Im home ! And, tmr Im going out with XGBFF ~ Gonna cut hair, since Im free & I have somebody company tmr ! Laughs, off to sleep ~

( .. not to mentions .. )

Monday, October 5, 2009

I'll wait .

Hey yo ! Im back posting again ~ Ytd didnt post, cause Im lazy ! Simple reason :x Laughs . Anyway, ytd went movie with Yvonne & Ervin ! Im a big sotong I swear ~ I reach 1st, so they asked me to go check the movie thingy . They said, marina sqaure ! I dont knw what's wrong with me, walk with the crowds I think ? Well, found myself in Suntec city ~ Went to EngHwa Cinema, I even called them and told them the ticket timing ! I didnt realise anything was wrong man ~ And, they asked me go in the cinema I was like Im in already why didnt I saw them ! In the end, I walk over to find them . Didnt realise that they were at Marina Square ~ And, I didnt know the way out ! Follow groups of people, even when crossing road, I totally look like a idiot :x Finally, I meet them at LJS ! Didnt eat, cause seriously dont feel like eating ~ Anyway, walk around & chit-chatting ~ We 3 seriously have alot to chat man ! Chatting bout things all over the whole >< And, went to movie at around 6pm ? Im stupid please... That ervin totally see that Im stupid & easy bluff ! He told me, the advertisment would also be 3D too . I was like, really ah ? Laughs . And I put the 3D specs on, he laugh at me ! I was like, okay I kena bluff again >< And the movie we watch was, Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs *In 3D* ! Dont really rmb the title, & the story doesnt really have anything to do with meatball ~ But anyway, was a not bad show I guess ! Rate 3.5/5, not bad yeahs xD ! After that, walk around and chit chat again ~ Laughs . Took MRT back home around 9pm ? Quite a tiring day for me ! But well, at least I enjoyed :DD Today woke up around 11pm !

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Im gonna work tmr ~ Laughs ! After so long of breaks I have, Im finally working tmr . Laughs ! Think Im gonna quit soon le :x I hate working there, Im only talking to Syahida one person ! Other than her, nobody else... How boring it is ! I shall see how then ? Gonna be working on fri & sat I think ~ I dont knw bout the schedule man ! And, I got nobody to ask ! Laughs . But nvm, just gonna ignore ! Awwhs, cnt believe that my holiday is gonna end soon, how sad ~ Laughs . But, school life should be more fun ? Oh, im going sleep now . Nights !

Saturday, October 3, 2009

I understand..

Back from one boring day of mine ! Well, today sleep till around 12pm ? At least my sleeping time should be balanced now ? Laughs . But, still dont really feel like eating ~ Went to downstair with Mommy, bought only Longan Ice . Really dont feel like eating anything ! Anyway, went to Shop & Save ~ Mommy didnt buy much things, cause didi wasnt there to help her take :x Back home, used the computer for the whole day ! Suppose to acc him to cut hair, but something cropped up ~ So I stayed home... Well, tmr gonna meet Yvonne & Ervin ! Long time nvr meet them ~ Gonna go catch a movie I guess ? Laughs, think it's gonna be fun :D Okay, im too bored at home . Watching those taiwan drama that I've watched before, I totally forgotten what's the ending like althought I've watched before ! Laughs . Ohmygod, I want my time table to be out as soon as possible man ! But im sure it's not gonna be a good one, cause having lesson on friday is already spoiling mood ~ Laughs, this is the disadvantage of having a good time table previously ! Sweet then sour, hope it's not ~ Alrights, Im done with blogging ! Sleep, I hope I'll be able to then ~ Laughs .

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你知不道, 我有多爱你...

Friday, October 2, 2009

Be Strong Girl .

Well ! Im back from a few long days I had ~ Yeaps, Im back from the he's father wake . Anyway, ytd stayed overnight at there . Together with Peanut & Leonard ! Well, he's much better I can say . And, my plan on calling the others consider success ? But, it's abit cropped up ~ But nvm, it's over anyway ! Met up with Evon & L.Simin . Headed to the wake 1st, after that went to meet the others ! Well, he's too busy to chat with them I guess ? And, around 9plus they headed off le ~ Left me, waiting for Mommy to reach . But, around 11pm she heads off home ! Im alone sitting at one table, totally like -.- All the way till he's free, then chatted around . Was playing cards with them & his cousin ~ Peanut was laughing like nobody business man ! Was playing this game Bluff ~ Ohmygod, Im totally lousy at it ! That's why I won, cause I cant lie bout the cards . And they dont trust me, keep catching me ! Instead of being caught, they took the whole stack of cards ~ Laughs . Playing till around 4am ? Leonard, me & him went to eat Prata ! Im not eating much recently, seriously . I eat less than a meal one day, and the moment I eat smthg, I feel like vomitting... Totally -.- ! Back to the wake, around 7am the rest left ~ Waited for his mom to cook breakfast for his dad, then went up his house to sleep . Didnt sleep, couldnt get to sleep at all ! Wanted to tag along with them to the ceramation, but smthg cropped up ~ So didnt went along, around 1pm headed back home ! Was so damn tired, bath & headed to sleep ~ Around 4pm, Limhwee came my house . Well, while he's playing L4D I went to sleep again ! So damn sorry man xD Laughs ! Around 6 plus, went to sleep till 10pm ~ And here I am posting blog :DD Well, Im free from work ! All the way till next Tuesday ~ Enjoy while I can ! Cause the school gonna start so damn soon ~ And ohya, my result was more than what I expect man ! I got 3.5 for my GPA ~ Well, Im just lucky okays ! Im feeling hungry man, but I would really vomit if I eat smthg.. This morning ate porriage, ate a few mouthful only Im so damn full already ~ He also, both of us feel so unwell ! But well, at least his father thingy is over now ? Hope things will get better for his family ~ Alrights, Im going to sleep again ! Gonna sleep while I can, if not I wont be able to sleep ~ I've been having this problem of getting alseep ! My leg is so super weird, it's sour xD Making me unable to sleep well ! That's why Im so damn tired... Alrights, byeeeeeeee !

谁能明白我有多爱你 ?