Friday, October 2, 2009

Be Strong Girl .

Well ! Im back from a few long days I had ~ Yeaps, Im back from the he's father wake . Anyway, ytd stayed overnight at there . Together with Peanut & Leonard ! Well, he's much better I can say . And, my plan on calling the others consider success ? But, it's abit cropped up ~ But nvm, it's over anyway ! Met up with Evon & L.Simin . Headed to the wake 1st, after that went to meet the others ! Well, he's too busy to chat with them I guess ? And, around 9plus they headed off le ~ Left me, waiting for Mommy to reach . But, around 11pm she heads off home ! Im alone sitting at one table, totally like -.- All the way till he's free, then chatted around . Was playing cards with them & his cousin ~ Peanut was laughing like nobody business man ! Was playing this game Bluff ~ Ohmygod, Im totally lousy at it ! That's why I won, cause I cant lie bout the cards . And they dont trust me, keep catching me ! Instead of being caught, they took the whole stack of cards ~ Laughs . Playing till around 4am ? Leonard, me & him went to eat Prata ! Im not eating much recently, seriously . I eat less than a meal one day, and the moment I eat smthg, I feel like vomitting... Totally -.- ! Back to the wake, around 7am the rest left ~ Waited for his mom to cook breakfast for his dad, then went up his house to sleep . Didnt sleep, couldnt get to sleep at all ! Wanted to tag along with them to the ceramation, but smthg cropped up ~ So didnt went along, around 1pm headed back home ! Was so damn tired, bath & headed to sleep ~ Around 4pm, Limhwee came my house . Well, while he's playing L4D I went to sleep again ! So damn sorry man xD Laughs ! Around 6 plus, went to sleep till 10pm ~ And here I am posting blog :DD Well, Im free from work ! All the way till next Tuesday ~ Enjoy while I can ! Cause the school gonna start so damn soon ~ And ohya, my result was more than what I expect man ! I got 3.5 for my GPA ~ Well, Im just lucky okays ! Im feeling hungry man, but I would really vomit if I eat smthg.. This morning ate porriage, ate a few mouthful only Im so damn full already ~ He also, both of us feel so unwell ! But well, at least his father thingy is over now ? Hope things will get better for his family ~ Alrights, Im going to sleep again ! Gonna sleep while I can, if not I wont be able to sleep ~ I've been having this problem of getting alseep ! My leg is so super weird, it's sour xD Making me unable to sleep well ! That's why Im so damn tired... Alrights, byeeeeeeee !

谁能明白我有多爱你 ?

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