Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Late candles ~

Heyohs ! Im back posting now . Yeaps, suppose to go work today ! But, texted Syahida and she told me Im not working ~ So, not working today ! And, I guess Im fired silently ~ Laughs, they didnt put me in the schedule for 2 weeks already . Fine then, dont work le xD Laughs ! Woke up around 11 plus ? Was using computer for the whole day, till afternoon ? Anyway, meet Guoen & Gerald ! Together with Didi, well ~~ How weird it is ! But, this Guoen made me & Didi waited for him so damn long ~ Laughs ! And he said he's doing house chores, okay then :x

Well, headed to Sakae ! Gerald's treat, thanks :DD Chatted for awhile, all the way till around 7pm ? Laughs, acc Gerald go buy bag ~ And I saw one bag in zinc, I wanted to muchh ~ I would buy man ! Anyway, Gerald left 1st ~ Saw Xiuyi & Co. at MRT nearby ! After that, we actually wanted to go home . But, last minute decided to go play candles ! How last minute we are ~ And yes, we bought sparkles & candles !

Yes, im seriously damn bored ! Laughs, they were busy playing with fires ~ And me, slowly lighting up the candles and playing the sparkles ! Saw Xiuyi & Kevin again, laughs . They were going home ! Well, played till around 10 plus ? Walk home with this 2 bodyguards of mine ! Chatted quite alot ~ Well, human being are like this ! Laughs, was sweating like hell when Im home ! And, tmr Im going out with XGBFF ~ Gonna cut hair, since Im free & I have somebody company tmr ! Laughs, off to sleep ~

( .. not to mentions .. )

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