Saturday, October 17, 2009


Im finally back ! Laughs, ytd meet up with XGBFF at her house downstair ~ Shawn's mother fetch us to the chalet ! Almost lost my phone man ~ Dropped at her car, but lucky I found it back ! Was helping the adults with buying this and that ~ In total, we went to the shop 7 time ! Laughs, the aunty was like, "You all came back and find me hars ?" Totally, damn paiseh man ~ Anyway, was boring in the chalet ! So headed out to E-hub, with XGBFF & Shawn ~ Blablabla, nthg much ? Bbq started, people started coming ~ This and that, blablabla ! I didnt sleep at all, due to some irritating issue ~ And headed for breakfast with XGBFF & Noel @ 6am ! Back to chalet, 3 of us was totally dozing off... Anyway, checked out chalet and bus back home ! Sleep around 12pm till 5pm, Im still so tired man ~ Im so hungry now ! Should I head to XGBFF house later on ? Im having slight flu, shit man ~ Off I go !

XGBFF, please cheer up !
Im not happy see-ing you in this state too..
Just rmb I'll always be ther for you .
Maybe not helping you in anything, but im here .
A listening ear, a shoulder, all for you !

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