Monday, June 11, 2012

Three-In-One !

Back with soooooooooooo many photos again ! *HEHE*
Let me start with Friday ~ Oh well, I'm lazy to go school !
Ended up packing up on my own room, yes the whole room :D
I spent the whole damn day packing up ! Like from 3pm - 3am ~
So here are the photos of my newly packed room, still messy :/

Overview of my wardrobe (left) !

Those folded clothes + shorts !

Lotion, Makeup Remover, Belts, Toner....

Overview of my wardrobe (right) !

Some paper bag I've collected !
And a small wardrobe for small items :)

Those are the frequent used bags !
And that red box which contains baby's gift ~

Some of my shoebox, Fisheye cam from Cliques !
And also some boxes to keep my small stuff :)

Bookshelf which doesn't have book !
Hehe, with all my photoframes, camera ~

Study table ! *stillmessy*

Done with my room like around 3am ? Pretty tired....
Okay ! That's the end of my Friday, pretty good & efficient :D
Woke up pretty early on Saturday, like around 11 plus ? Tired..

Get myself prepared & headed off to Grandma house !
Meet over there & baby cousin (skye) was there ~


This silly boy actually played with my camera instead of phone !
I think he likes to take photos too ? Always secretly staring at camera ~
Waited for Berlin to come over, & off we headed to RWS :D
Cab over with aunt, and Skye sat together at the back with us !
Took pretty much photos with him ! He's way too cute I must say ~

Arrived at Vivo city & went Food Republic for some food first !
Bought Porridge, Satay, Carrot cake, and Milo too <3
Eat quite a lot while waiting for the others to arrive :)
Look at the way this boy eat Satay, cute maxxxxxxxxx la ♥

Meet up with Berlin & Lex ! Head off to Party World ^o^
The system there kind of like shit ? Song keep jamming !@#$%^&
Our screen also keep on hanging & lagging, pretty pissed off !
Asked the person-in-charge over there & our screen hang again...
It got worst and it says "Thank you for coming, see you again !"
I think their whole system got crash and the whole PW is affected !
But after not long the got the system back & everything's back to normal !

Sing till around 6 plus ? SBB came and joined us too :D
Together we sang till around 8pm ! Pretty fun & enjoyable ♥
Went for dinner at "The Soup Spoon" ! First time there, nice :D
Bought the set, with Soup + Bread + Sandwiches, SUPER FILLING !

Done with dinner & went walking around Vivo City :D
Bought sponge & white nail polish for my nails at Daiso !
Berlin bought quite a lot of stuff ! Woman really loves shopping ♥
Finally done with shopping, off we head to RWS, Hard Rock Hotel :)

Meet up with the rest of our big family ! Grandma there's too !
And also all the kids in the hotel ~~ Took photos with Joyce :D

Was pretty bored in the hotel, so Berlin play around with my hair !
She actually brought the curl tongs around, and did it on my hair ~
That cute little Joyce keep asking me : "Why your hair so curly?"
Haha, she's just so cute ! We offered her Honeystar, she said dont want ~
Claiming that she had sore throat cannot eat Honey Star, but then....
She told her mom she wants to eat Cheezel... And she say : "I can eat !"
Hahaha, why are kids nowadays so adorable ? Hope my kids also like this !


Took photos with Berlin ! She's pretty funny I must say ~
Asking me question like : "You all take reflection how to pose one ah?"
Hahaha ! So this two is the best shot of all we took :DDD

Back taking photos of Skye ! Wish I have skin like him :(

Head over to the lobby of Hard Rock Cafe ! Some bar area ?
Went there chilling with cousins & uncle :D Pretty cool !
There's some band over there also, kind of new to me, nice :D
But headed back to Hotel with Berlin after awhile, quite boring...

Here's the best photo I think I have for my curl hair :D
I think I don't really suits curly hair, straight better !
Stayed over at the hotel together with Berlin & :)
Went to sleep like around 2am ? Sleep with the bath robe :D


Sunday ! Woke up around 8am.... Super crazy, woke up by Skye !
This little rascal woke up that early & started being so noisy ~
Woke up and went to prepare ! Went breakfast with :D
And also with Shawn + Skye ~ Went Coffee Bean for breakfast, 1st time !

Had "Break "0" Day" for breakfast ! Pretty nice & super filling :D
Skye was pretty active I must say ! And Shawn was running around too ~

Shawn keep saying : "I wanna take photo with you !" So sweet :>
Ended my RWS trip here ! Pretty nice gathering with family ♥

Headed back home with from RWS, damn damn sleepy & tired :(
Dozing off in the train and leg super wobbly, must be insufficient sleep !
Back home rest for awhile, get changed & off to meet Baby :D

Meet up at Bugis, went walking around, grab some food !
Headed to the new mall in Bugis, "Bugis+" ! Pretty nice :D
Happen to see that Uniqlo's having opening sales, WEEEEEEEEEE !
Bought some clothing over there ! Nothing much other than that ?
Headed over to Hougang for dinner ! Ate porridge, SO NICE !

Watched "Iron Man" at baby house ! Pretty nice movie :D
Okay I know I noob, so long already still haven catch it :/
But well.... It's a nice movie though ! Went home around 11pm ?
Tried so hard to convince Baby to stayover at my house......


Back home, watch tv and nua around ! It's a super tiring day ~
Ate supper with Baby & ~ I think I'm gonna gain weight :(
Sleep around 3am ? Pretty tired... Woke up at 2pm today !
Almost overslept for work today ! Lucky baby woke me up :D
Rushed to Tiong Bahru and collect flyers at Yong Siak Street ~
It's the Salon where BFF is working at ! Help to give out flyers :D
$10/hr, and we worked for 4 hours ! So it's $40 earn for each of us !

First time working together with Baby ! Pretty fun & interesting :D
Giving out flyers was pretty nice ? But some people really have no manner ~
Just smile or maybe say thanks if you don't want to take the flyers ?
How can you just walk around without any reaction ? 没礼貌 !
Anyway, time pass pretty fast & we end work at 8pm, from 4pm :D
We both gave out 600 pieces of flyers each, left 400 pieces only :)
Went to Tiong Bahru Plaza for dinner ! Too tired to decide what to eat...
Ate Kopitiam food, and head back home straight after dinner, TIRED T.T

Ended my Mon like this ! Suppose to work on Tuesday too, changed to next Mon :D
So I can start on my assignment tomorrow ! Hope I won't faint upon seeing....
Gonna head back to school on Wednesday with WY too ! Be efficient please !!
Ohya ! Subway in TP was open today ~ WEEE, such a happy kid ! I love subway :D

It's time to sleep, byebye ♥

PS : Pretty happy dating with Baby !

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