Head over to Parkway with Aijia, returned our uniform alrdy....
No more working at crocs, all because of 2 MC.... *lamelikeshit*
Okay, maybe they big company, do things like a professional ?
Pretty happy that exams has end, and gotten our cheque too !
Went walking around Parkway, so many sales around !
Went Cotton On, and we're stucked there, so many nice stuff !
Tried on one pink shorts, pretty attention seeking, no nice...
Ended up not buying anything, but Aijia bought a shorts for $15 !
Great deal isn't it ? Go grab some clothing in Cotton, cheap :D
Meet up with baby @ Parkway, went to his friend's family stall !
It's at the Roxy Square's B1 foodcourt ? Had the Handmade noodles there :)
Not so bad, first time eating Fish Sliced Handmade Noodles, nice !
Went walking around Parkway for awhile, then off we head to Bugis ~
Decided to take bus over to Bugis, so I need to top up my card...
Found a ezlink top up machine beside the bus stop, pretty awesome right ?
So Baby put my card on the thingy, then about to put his atm card in...
*waited-for-15mins*.... STILL RESTARTING !
Gave up & went to change my notes to coin instead.... *sad*
Ended up paying a bus fare of $1.50 from Parkway to Bugis ~.~
Went shopping around Bugis ! Pretty hard to control myself....
But ended up not buying anything, but Baby bought damn lot stuff !
He spent a total of less than $70 ? He got 3 bermudas & 2 tees ~
Bugis is always the best place to shop, cheap cheap nice nice <3
Happen to walk pass this "new" area in Bugis street ! Pretty cool ~
I think the shop there are selling all stuff from Korea ?
Even the song they played are korean song, and it's like broadcasted !
I mean like the whole area is playing only one song, not per shop ~
Didn't had dinner because we had late lunch ! So we went "我爱台妹" ♥
Passed by this shop, selling nail polish @ only $1 per bottle !
So I got three of it, specially for the nail tutorial I'm gonna do ~
Okay, I know this is a bit cui... But I will improve, trust me !
Anyway, pretty excited to try doing nails with sponge, and only sponge !
You can get the sponge EVERYWHERE ! Yes, even in "Shop&Save".... HAHA !
Well, you just need two/three diff color of nail polish, top coat, cotton bud !
The color is up to you ! As long as they look nice blending together :D
Okay first step ! You have to apply the nail polish color to the sponge ~
Be sure to estimate the size of your fingernail before you apply any color on it !
One color by one color, just like how I did in the photo shown below :D
Start to tap the sponge on your fingernail, you may have to do it twice/thrice !
It will depend on how thin is your nail polish color ~ I did it like thrice !
After tapping on all your nails ! Your whole finger will be damn messy & ugly ~
Now you need the cotton bud to remove away those excess stain on your finger !
So after that, you can just apply the top coat and your nails is done :DDD

I know it's not very nice, but I tried my best :'(
I actually only did it on my left hand ! Cos I don't know how to use another hand...
Maybe I'll offer to help Mommy do, then meanwhile use her hand as "sample" !
Okay, time to get some rest after so many restless night ! HELL-YEAH ♥
Term Test are over, holidays are here ! Pretty excited for this weekend ~
Yes, only this weekend I guess ? Monday I'm gonna start on Assignment alrdy :(
Enjoyed my Thursday with Baby ! We talk a lot today, real lot, I like so much !
He's so sweet, actually cheered me up with just some lame jokes, HAHAHAHA <3
Shall sleep till shiok tomorrow, HOHO ! Probably Badminton in school with c299 ?
I'm just too lazy to exercise please.... I hope I won't get lazy tmr & go school !
Saturday gonna be a family gathering day, gonna stayover at Resort world hotel :D
Most probably coming up with a Party World gathering with cousin too, WEEEEEEE <3
And Sunday, it's a day for me and Baby to go dating again, love my weekend so much !
DONE POSTING ! okbye <3
PS : rmb to click "like" or "dislike" !
*thanks a million to all*
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