Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Year ♥♥♥

Finally ended my DCNK paper ! Left with tomorrow's last paper & I'm done ~ Ohya, today's leap year ! I remembered 4 years ago, there was this movie "The Leap Year"... Super awesome movie & it's really nice ! Got this short scenario from & I really wanna share :D

Leap years with Ananda EveringhamLeap years with Ananda Everingham

Leap years based upon the novella, Leap of Love by Catherine Lim, (whom I believe is Singapore’s most talented writer). The story revolves about the main protagonist, Li Ann (played by Wong Li Lin) whom by a stroke of inspiration decides to ask a handsome stranger (played by the hunkylicious Ananda Everingham) on a date and takes advantage of an Irish Leap Year custom where a woman’s proposal must be fulfilled. Spurred by her spontaneity he accepted.

Eventually, Li Ann and Jeremy realised that they had a connection with each other. However Jeremy had a mysterious issue haunting him, and was able to stay in Singapore for a short while before flying off. However he promises her that he will wait for her every February 29th.

Leap years with Wong Lilin and Ananda EveringhamLeap years with Wong Lilin and Ananda EveringhamLeap years with Wong Lilin and Vernetta LopezLeap years with Wong Lilin and Ananda EveringhamLeap years with Wong Lilin

So ya ! If you have not catched this movie, do watch ! It's really awesome and touching :)

Here's a short trailer of the movie, ENJOY :)


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