Monday, February 27, 2012

Exams !@#$%^&*()

Finally first paper tomorrow ! Kind of pathetic actually, everybody end their final exams when I have not even had my first paper ~ But well, gonna get over it and just finish up this two paper ! Have been super busy these few days ~ Busy with studying, busy preparing for my birthday's party ! Here's some photos I've taken while preparing :D

These are the goodies bag I'm talking about ! Nothing much, just some snacks & tidbits I used to like alot when I'm still a kid :D After 21st birthday, I'm gonna grow up and think mature already ! Can't act like a kid & throw tantrum every now and then :( So ya ! Stay tune to see more about my birthday party ~ Although it's just gonna be a birthday party, but it meant alot to me ! Done with this short post of mine ! Gonna head back to mug for DCNK....


PS : The moment when you know whose true to you :)

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