Wednesdayyyyy ! Lovely day today, cause weekends are reaching soonsoon !
But gastriic really spil my day, arghhs ! Nvm, tahan awhile jiu can le ;D
Cause it's jus normal to me alrdy ~ Gastric sucks pls, terribly paiin lahh !
Maths 3 periiod, diid practiise paper agaiins -.- jiiieeettt pls, siighhs**
then Social studies, copy lik mad agaiins ! Ohhmyy, same routine -.-
Recess, finally ii ate something call rice in sch today ! Laughhs pls :x
MT was kinda alriight ~ Read th conversatiion again, around 21-22 -.- !
my marks goes down -.- but for th passage, around 7 out of 10, ok lahh !
Nt staying back for revise today, cause LiangLaoShi gonna be away today ~
English was super bored, ii swear ! Everyone's mood is lik, lowlowlow ~
Lunch, no comment ! Jus feel kinda weird, ii dont noe anything ~~ Laughs*
Jus get to chat with Airen & JFYF ~ Then back to sch for STAR lesson !
HIV lecture agaiins -.- Was doing nthg, but laughing at 501, competition ~
501 against 502, we sure lost de lahh ! But we still enjoys alot, really ! ;DD
Dats why ii say, 501 iis alrdy part of my life ~ & they are my reason to smile !
Done with today post, nth much yea ? I feel dat iim posting to ghost, nt readers :x
Cause nobody comment me :( Sad enough ! but ii will still continue posting alright ~
Bloggiing iis part of my life now, ii swear ! Laughhs* Byeeeeeee ppl !
& Things goes on, the same way, agains..
Xingan! i'll do a daily comment for you :D Muacks you la! Please do be happy for everyone! you're smile looks better than frowning . Jiayou for this friday! me, junkiat huanchoon will shout and scream for you for sure! Today afternoon Very jiet! -.-
ReplyDeleteTo Xingan, Thks ! Laughs* My blog seems deadly ~~ Haohao, ii will try uhs =/ Shout loud ah :DD