alright ! back for today post ;D Today, tuesday, 1st July !
Nth much ? Art lesson was helping Aiai touching up her damages ~
Somebody really dont feel guitly after doing bad things, bastard :x
Nahhs ! Fine then, you will haf your retribution uh ? Laughs*
Recess, ate Eggbread ! Then back to class, 3 period Maths ! Tmd :x
Lols ! Did a practise paper, exam condition ~ But do till half, nahs !
Nobody is doing under exam conditions -.- All discussing, laughs*
In the end, Vinay explained all qns ! Exam conditions leii, hah :D
Chemistry had Pratical, laughs* Super fun, but kinda stupid too :x
Adding some substance with cold water, then mix with ammonia something de :x
Blabla ! Pack up, then lunch ;DD Laughs* Chit-chatting, then up to Storey 5.
Mama was disturbing me -.- She keep singing songs, disiasiao ! Laughs*
MT lesson, leonard & lincoln join our class ! Oral practise, again -.-
Huiting 1st, then me -.- Heng ah ! around 24-25 out of 30, nt bad uhs !
Laughs* then Qiuyun & Aiai ! Kinda hard, but LiangLaoShi explain to us ~
After sch went straight home ! Cause, super sian & tiiredd, jiieet ahhs ~
Reach home & went to bath ~ Took many photos too ! Alone :x Laughs**
Now going down, buy things andd cook dinner ! with Zhong, Super hungry -.-
Was chatting with Dion that day ! Look at these conver, funny :DD
actually iis nth much ii guess ? Jus wanna share ;DD Laughs*
Him: i think girls rot at hm well sia =x
Me: cause girls love to stare in to space :x
Him: cause girls are trng for being a housewife in the future
Him: then you'll be a good one then !
Me: no way ! house chores make me look old :x
Him: HAHAHA! then go out work loh .
Me: of cause ! iim nt gonna rot at home my whole life :x
Him: haha. then why are you training right now ? =/
Me: iim nt okay :x gotta do hmwk at home :*(
Him: hahaha . and are you ?
Me: yea, ii am ! but iim stuck, dont noe how to do -.- physics !
Him: that one ah , you must ask your teacher
Me: tmr gonna pass up, how to ask :z
Him: then you will have to try out on your own, thats the only way to learn ! to make mistake and learn from it, but it doenst mean you should make mistakes all the time !
Me: yea, teacherr ! you sound lik teacher :x
Him: haha, im not qualified to be one !
Me: for this kinda encourage, you can be a great teacher alrdy :x
Him: nah . encouragement wise but not knowledge wise, no use =x
Me: why so look down on self ? haiyohs ~
Him: im just speaking the facts. =/
Him: aiya, if you got the heart to learn, teacher sure teach you !
Me: haohao ~ ii will work hard :x
Him: dont talk and no action ah !
Me: ii weekdays after sch go home de hor :x
Him: go hm do what ? stone / rot =x
Me: revision, but always dont understand ! then dont do le :x
Him: then you wont ask during your lessons?
Me: my own revision leiis !
Him: revision is meant to better understand those you understood, and to try to understand those you dont understand, AND to ask those you dont understand ! LOL! =/
Me: laughs* really sound lik professional :x yes, ii noe le .
"Huixin", you called me this..
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