Monday, April 22, 2013

Changes in my life.

HELLO ! I'm finally back posting again :D

So so sorry for not posting this holiday...... TOO BUSY !
Busy with work, outings and family gathering ~

And finally school start today.
Supposed to be starting intern with the girls !
But I've exception, because...


Okay, it's the overseas intern at Shanghai :D
Gonna be going with Liling on 9 July.

78 more days.....

But anyway, I need to go for lesson with the others.
And I've got no timetable at all, no idea what class I am in...
So I just go for all lesson, and it's 9am today !

Meet up with Limin at Mart and head to sch tgthr !
Being early for the 1st day of school, HAHA.
School was boring..... TOTALLY.

4hours of Practical, but I don't belong there.
I belong to Jiemin's class ♥

Meet up with Jiemin for lunch, had McDonalds !
First day of school, the crowd was totally crazy.....

Took our own sweet time for lesson.
It's Chanmui you see.... HAHA.

Anyway, 9am again tomorrow :'(
But I can skip. HOHO !

4pm end school lo :D
Headed back home and I doze off.
So tired on first day, OMG....

Dinner with babylove ♥

So this is my first day of school, speechless.
First splitting of class with no Weeyin and Aijia....
Need to get used to it, soon. But I got Jiemin ♥

Timetable was pretty slack I must say, but.....


Tutorial, Practical, Lecture.... ALL HER.
But well, just gonna accept the facts.

Ok I think I'm done.
Extremely sleepy, nights ♥

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