Thursday, February 28, 2013

March is coming.

Hello readers ! As promised, one more post before February ends ;)
Actually I've nothing to post about. Just feel like typing some words !

So.. Recently this game named "Candy Crush" had been quite popular ?
Everybody's been so addicted to it and you just can't stop playing !
I'm also pretty addicted to this game too ! Stucked at level 65 now :(
Great invention by some developers to make people addicted to the game !

There are a few pretty addictive games for me recently too !
Like "4 Pics 1 Word" ? It really trains your mind to think.
And I'm always stucked, because my english is bad, hehehe :/

But anyway, here are just some pretty fun apps to kill time ~
It's all in my iPad and I find them pretty entertaining, and fun ;)


1. Sudoku HD - I love sudoku, that's why ;)
2. Plants vs Zombie - Played umpteen times but I still love it !
3. Diamond Dash - Addictive to score better than your friend ~
5. Singapore Map - Best for direction idiots like me, HEHE !

6. Subway Surfers - Dodge the train and learn to be fast :D
7. 4 Pics 1 Word - It actually makes me think and learn english ;)
8. Facefighter - HAHA. Beat somebody you hate :D
9. Actioncam - Extremely nice camera apps, me like.
10. Quickoffice HD - Super efficient for school work !

These 10 apps are pretty useful and entertain for me, so far so good ;)

Okay, I guess I'm done with this post ! It's going to be 12am soon ~


Birthday month, extremely eggcited ! And c299 class chalet ;)
Not forgetting MyCubeBiz's dinner on the 5th of March ❤ !

Ok-bye !

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Lovely February ;)

Hi all lovely ! Okay I know I'm leaving this blog with lots of dust.....
But I'm having holidays now, so I promise I'll be posting frequently !
So just let me share about what've happen the past few weeks ;)

Had lunar dinner at home as usual, and Berlin joined us at home too !
Pretty boring actually.. Back to assignment and test back then :(

But we had a few days holiday away from school ! Kinda de-stress a little ? Hehe.
First day of CNY, woke up pretty early to prepare myself ! Don't wanna be the last ~
And this year, my attire was pretty simple. Partly I couldn't find nice dress at all :(
But well, I tried something I didn't have ! Flora print dress, look weird on me I know....

Took photo with this 2 guys before everyone was done preparing !
Lots of photo was taken actually, when we were taking our angbaos ;)
But I'm lazy to post it here.... You can go fb and see, More Photos !

So here are some of the group photos I had with my lovely familes ❤

Usually we'll have midnight movie with cousins every year !
This year, we watch ABTM2 at around 1245am, pretty late ~
But it's totally worth ! That movie was extremely awesomeeeeee ♥
The guys were really handsome and I teared in the cinema too :')


Day 2 of CNY, headed over to baby's family side :D
But as usual, photos with my families before heading out !

Took train from Tampines all the way till Clementi. Pretty long trip.....
Went over to baby's maternal grandmother house and meet up with his mom & sis !
As usual, a few blocks away will be his aunt house, visit there as well ;)

Went over to baby's paternal grandmother house also !
As usual, that house at redhill with lots and lots of dog ♥ !
All the way till 7/8pm ? Headed to SBB house for visiting too ;)
Okay that's all for the second day of CNY !

Third day of CNY was extremely tired and rush.....
Woke up pretty early and head over to Mama's house for visiting !
Need to rush back home because people are coming.
House was packed with super lots of people !
Papa's friend, Brothers's friend and our families ~

Was busy entertaining people, and helping to prepare !
Food wasn't enough and we had to go downstairs a few times..
And the whole house was so packed, no space for all ~


Yes, my bed frame cracked ! I'm not even the last to lie on :(
I think some of my cousin jump on my bed, then crack.....


But well, slept on the floor with my mattress, with baby beside.
Hehehehe, meet up with awesome ITE mates too ♥
Had supper at McDonald and nice chatting ;)

Valentine day was pretty simple with baby !
Order Pastamania back home and that's all ;)
No choice because we had exams and assignment....
But on 16th February, it's our anniversary ♥♥

Headed out with this cheeky boy, all dressed up and prepared !
Went to the bank in the morning to bank in all our angbaos money ;)
Lunch at 201, and back home ! Out to Tampines again around noon.
Been wanting to buy this new gadget, and I finally bought it !


Supposed to be watching "The Wedding Diary 2" !
But we miss it, because of the ipad mini queue..........
Anyway, baby got his Nintendo 3DS too, hehehehe.

Went bugis and bought covers/screen protector for each other !
Pretty tired already, because we walked round and round and round...
Had our dinner at Sakae Sushi, pretty shiok and filling, hehehe.
So that's how we end our 3 year anniversary, love it ♥

Till 22nd of February ? Finally  I'm done with year 2.2 :D
Headed out with Cousins on the following Saturday !
Meet up with Berlin at her house, and off we head to HT's house.

Lunch at Hot Tomato ! Pretty nice catching up with them ♥
Went for K-session with them too, first time with HT & HS.
Sang till 7pm ? Went shopping with Berlin while the rest left ~


Extremely nice gathering with them, and definitely meeting up again ;)
Alright, that's all for my super draggy post ! Shall update soon.

Upcoming will be March. YES AH, FAVORITE MONTH ♥.

Although it's holiday period, nothing much for school....
But I'll be working and working and working.
Not forgetting outings, outings, and more outings !


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Friday, February 1, 2013


Back posting on the 1st day of February ;)

January ended just like this, so fast.... I think b.cos I'm too busy !
Busy with schools assignment, and busy working too... TIRED T.T
But it's all over and February is here ! I LOVE FEBRUARY ♥
Gonna be really busy during February too, but it's not only school !

1st February : SSSD LabTest (which is later on.......)
2nd February : Spring Cleaning ;)
3rd February : Last shopping for CNY clothings !
6th February : SSSD Written Test T.T
7th February : NKM Presentation.....
8th February : NKM Project Submission :O

Up till here, it's still all related to school... But it's good to clear first !
Although I've still alot more submission and test to be done......
But after that week, I've get to enjoy a lot alot, HEHEHE.

10th February : CNY Eve, Reunion Dinner at home ♥
11th Frbruary - 13th February : House Visiting over island wide ;)
14th February : VALENTINE DAYS ♥♥
15th February : SSSD & MBWS Project Submission.....

16th February : 3 YEAR ANNIVERSARY ♥♥♥♥ !

From 18th till 22nd of February, will be my last week of school for Year 2.1 !
Weeeee ~ Like finally after so long, I'm having holidays... TIME FLIES.
So ya, that is how my February will look like ! Pretty busy, yet enjoyable ;)

Okay, that's all for this post ! Shall get myself prepared for Lab test later !
After lab test gonna head for mini-steamboat with Cliques, HEHEHE ;)

Wish me good luck, bye !