Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Back to school :)

Hello, back to school days....

Okay, I won't be posting things like I had what kind of lesson, blablabla...
My lecturer is good or bad, blablabla... It will be pretty boring and lifeless ~
First day of school on Monday, 9am-6pm to start with, boringggggg....

Class splited this term, but glad to have some of my cliques with me :)
Schools was pretty alright, just that it really ends late, like 6pm....
Had a hard time turning my body clock back, terribly torture in class ~

Although we only had 4 module this semester, it's pretty stress !
All the modules are pretty alien to me, like for now :(
Which means I have to work harder and harder...

Promise to be back with photos soon !
Been busy with lesson and no photos to upload....

Ok bye.....
Le sigh, I miss dating with baby :(

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