Thursday, June 21, 2012

Le Parlor :)

Hi all ! Back posting again ;) Missed me ? *Winks*
Went "Le Parlor" on Tuesday with Shanice for coloring :D
Supposedly we both wore heels out, with slippers in bag :/
Ended up in slippers even before we took the train to Tiong Bahru !

Meet up at 12 for lunch, but ended up grabbing some bite only ~
Went to buy 51 beancurd, not so bad actually.... But laoban nicer :D
So, reached at 2pm and both of us get my hair done like 4 hrs later ?
Shanice re-bond her hair and I merely dyed my hair, pretty cheap !
Curious about why do we head to Tiong Bahru's Salon ?

Yes, this woman is working at Le Parlor ! We're there for her :D
Haha ! Bought beancurd for her too ~ WE ARE WE SO SWEET ?
Took some photos with Andy too, but we look pretty weird....

So left the Salon around 6pm ? Pretty hungry and tired....
Although we did nothing, BUT WE ARE STILL TIRED ! *lazy*
Pretty like my hair color now, copper 7.45 I think ?

Haven't had a proper meal since the start of the day !
Only had bread and 51's beancurd, so we went for dinner :D
Shanice haven't ate before Xin Wang Cafe, so we went there ~
Shall let the photo do the saying ! I'm pretty rushing for time now :/

That ends my Tuesday :D ! Wednesday.... Went to school :)
Meet up with Weeyin at 9am for McDonald breakfast in school :D
After that meet "mystery person" ! Super efficient I must say ~
Went to lab to continue with our work, went for lunch at ITAS with Nic also !
After lunch didn't went back to lab, went walking around Business instead !
Found some pretty nice place to do work ! So settled down and do work ~

Till evening, pack up and left school ! Finally meetup with Baby ♥
Went Kopitiam for dinner, I'm having a bad sore throat, awwwwww :(
This guy kept rushing me, telling me he wants to go to a shop in CS....
Telling me the shop close at like before 7pm, keep rushing me to eat ~
So we actually rush to CS lvl5 and he actually took out his POSB card....


I was pretty pissed off with him before that because we actually didn't meet...
For like 9 days ? And not gonna meet on Sunday anymore, he's working ~
And school's reopening soon too, so meet up time confirm lesser :(

But anyway ! Really touched to have this surprised planned by him ♥ !
Supposed to head over his house to meet him, but daddy need his help tonight ~
So I'm waiting for him to come over now........ No time together again :(

I just wanna spent more time, am I wrong :( ?

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