Wednesday, April 4, 2012

HT's advanced birthday celebration ;)

Went out around evening to meet Cousin to try the gown for photoshooting !

Tried the gown, it makes me look so tall & pretty, *HEHE* ;)
But still have to alter, so gonna go back on 14th try again !
Went Xing Wang Cafe for dinner & surprise for HT's advanced Birthday !

She's really damn blur & she don't know anything about it !
They planned a advanced celebration as she won't be in Sg on the actual day !

Took photos around and she look really happy ;)

And out of nowhere, she teared while making wishes...
OMG, we actually tear with her when she tear ! *TOUCHING LA*
Anyway, had this group photo ! The waiter took so long to come...

Another surprise came ! Her "KUKUMALU" from them ;)
Okay, it's actually Rilakuma, but she just keep saying "KUKUMALU" !
But anyway, she's been wanting that for a long time !
Keep donating money those "catching" machine ! Hope she'll like it ;)

Done ! Had a pretty awesome night spent with them !
Kind of excited for the photo-shoot, it's gonna be a busy day !
But will be even more excited when the photo is done ;)

Time to sleep, nights ❤ !

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