Friday, April 27, 2012

Awesome WK1 ;)

Hi people ! I'm finally back posting my dusty blog :D !
Had been busy with school, everyday ending sch at 5/6pm :(
But well, first week of school was really slack already !
As mentioned, definitely a catch up with the girls ❤❤

School is pretty awesome, back with classmates ! Although......
But studying is much better than doing nothing at home isn't it ?
Anyway, it's only week 1 and case studies/project is alrdy released !
Like for CMSK, draft to be submitted next week already, *NOLIFE*

Anyway ! Met baby for dinner on Wednesday, & he came over my house !
Nothing much I guess ? As usual, can't bear to be separate with him...
But due to our school, have to sacrifice ! School today was pretty awesome ~
Had our first CDS (local cinema) today from 2pm-5pm ! *EXCITED*

Meet up with Gary & Aijia early to do our CMSK draft !
Quite efficient ! Finished problem already ;) ! Next, solution ~
Went for our CDS lesson ~ It's like 6 people from C299 same class ^^
Okay, watch this "Singapore Dreaming" for first lesson !
Pretty nice movie, I think I've watch before, but it's so long ago !

No assignment for CDS yet ! Meet up with baby after lesson ;)
Headed to Old airport road for 老伴 ~~~~ *LIKE-SO-FINALLY* !
Hehehe, & I managed to psycho baby to go over to my house :D
I must say, he seriously dote on me a lot, I really appreciate ^^
Okay ! Time to sleep ~ Finally it's Saturday tomorrow ! Goodnights ;)


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