Friday, January 6, 2012

Sick :(

Friday Friday ! I'm back posting again :D 1st day of TP Open House, wooooooo ~ Love the atmosphere :D Wish I could join something like iGuide, IITSC, or maybe SIG will do ! Anyway, had lesson from 11am till 4pm ~ Gotten back my DCNK's TT result, 48/50, HOHOHOHOHOHOHO ! Top in the class, hehe ! Okay, I learnt before thats why :x Hahaha ~ ANYWAY, did lab, went for OOPG lesson, blablabla ! Went walking around the Open House, quite fun & interesting ~ Meet Yxiang & Gene after lesson, and they helped to take the Goodies bag for me :P ! Gotten the badge too, but I only have 4 :( So ya, went to search for a place in Engine School, and chat with them till quite late ! Around 7 plus ? Meet mommy & see doctor ~ Had MC for today, but I still went to school ! Had to submit my Color & Co. portfolio ~ Grade was not so bad ? Anyway, continued to go take my badge after lesson ended :D I FINALLY GOT THE COMPLETE 6 BADGE  Hehehehe ! Ok, done posting ~

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