Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Assignment + Assignment = Terrible :(

Finally have some time posting ! Ok, submitted the damn iHCI assignment part 1 yesterday ~ The Chrys don't even have to cheek to see my face when I submit to him ! Anyway, gonna get it back tomorrow with his feedback about it ? We shall seeeee ~~ Lesson end after his lesson, and stayed back in school to do IWT assignment ! No motivation, headed home around 4pm ~ Back home, watched "夜市人生" again ! Blablablablablabla, didn't do much for my IWT assignment too :x Sleep quite late, today's school start at 1pm ! Shiok ~~~ Went school for 1hour lecture, and end school ! Stayed back again, to do Color & Co. ! It's somehow done, BUT IT IS DAMN UGLY ~.~ Ok whatever, headed home after finishing and I AM SICK :( Terrible flu, and terrible headache, making my mood so fucked up ! Gonna sleep soon, tomorrow 11am lesson :D This week's timetable like shiok only ! Friday 9-12 lesson, 4-10 work :( OK BYE !

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