Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunburn :(

Hihi ! I'm back to update :) Saturday went Grandma house for awhile, and meet baby after that at Tamp interchange :) Finally meet him after 3 days of not meeting ? Anyway, went Sakae Sushi with mommy, korkor & baby ! Damn nice, after that went for a small shopping session, mommy's expected that she will spent alot ! Haha, suppose to go bugis with baby but my toothache acts up :( Headed back home & rot :(

But baby stayed overnight ♥ !

Went YCK to pray today, and I swear this is year is different ~ Cos baby went along too ! So ya, kinda fun & interesting ~ Woke up at 730am, *yawns* ! Brushed up & went Tamp 106 for breakfast :) As usual, half-boiled egg ! Damn full, prepared ourself & meet up with the rest at grandma house ! Left there around 10am ? This year I'm seating with daddy's lorry :) So ya, chatting with cousins make trips goes faster, & the whole thing end quite fast ? Headed to 3 different areas, and finally back to grandma house again ! Damn tiring but still we played blackjack xD ! Anyway, back home bath & went out with cousin :)

Suppose to go Pasir Ris for fish spa, but something cropped up ~ So ya, headed to Geylang instead ! Went for late dinner & after that ate TaoHuey ! Damn damn full :) Back home now anyway !

Gonna collect medical report tomorrow, and submit everything to TP ! After that gonna head to Pasir Ris to buy scheduler, eat lunch, bla bla ! Then heading to NEX I think ? Might be meeting baby too ! So ya, tomorrow will be another busy & tiring day ? Might be helping 5th aunt with her company things from Tuesday onward ?

By the way, baby's out with his friend now & I'm waiting for him to be home, I'm tired alrdy :(

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