Saturday, February 19, 2011

You're amazing, just so amazing ♥

Yesterday's presentation was alright ! After that went dinner with baby, yvonne & ervin at Tampines :) Headed back home right after lunch for a short nap before work ! Work was fine ? With shaoping, & we're like slacking all the way till close shop ~ And today, work with Tingwen till 5pm ! Nothing much I guess ? Updating bout each others life :) And finish work at 5pm, headed back home for nap again ~ HAHAHAHA ! Woke up around 7 plus ? Went down to buy dinner & here I am blogging ! On the other hand, watching show :) 炎亞綸 SO HANDSOMEEEEEEEE LAAAAAA ♥

Look at the lolipop ! How sweet of Tingwen to prepare this for everyone of us in AB ♥ Appreciated ! Anyway, gonna go WWW tomorrow with baby ~ Hahahah, damn excited :D First time swimming with baby ♥ I'm sure we will enjoy ! I'm done blogging, gonna wait for baby to end work :D

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