Sunday, February 7, 2010

Spring Cleaning !

Hellos, miss Foo is back to post again :D ! Didnt went out at all today, maybe only out to throw rubbish >< Had been tidying up my room for the whole day ! Seriously a very tiring day for meeee ~ Same goes to XGBFF & Junlong too, they are packing their room too o.O ! Laugh, yesterday was watching Wo cai's and this topic is kinda interesting o.O ? It's this survey thingy they made, what kinda girl would girl hates most ~ I think it's quite fun & true ?

  • 第一名 : 背后说人坏话的双面人
  • 第二名 : 别人男人都想抢的抢匪女
  • 第三名 : 超爱占便宜的贪心女
  • 第四名 : 遇到男生就装弱的假林黛玉
  • 第五名 : 爱炫耀的势力女
Isnt it interesting o.O ? Laugh, if you dont understand, then too bad :/ Anyway, woke up around 11pm and korkor they all were already packing their things ~ So, ate my breakfast & started to pack my things too ! Pack my table 1st, then move my new table in to my toom :D Changed the arrangement too, my room look bigger now o.O ! And, was packing my clothings too ~ Here I am throwing clothes into this black bag, Mommy is taking out clothes from the bag ! Anything she want then ~ I clean my room w/out using vacuum cleaner & mop ! Guess what I use, my bare hands ~ Regret doing that, cos it's super super tiring ! Had chicken rice for lunch, and continue to tidy up my table ~ Finally done, and went to bath ! Now Im home alone, cos they went out to Grandma house ~ Later will be having dinner with them I guess o.O ! Done with today's update, gonna go XGBFF house now & disturb her :D

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