Saturday, February 6, 2010

CNY stuff done !

*dingdong* Im back to post already ! Changed my blogskin, hahahaha ~ Look at that camera, great right !? It's Shawn's camera btw ~ Laugh, meet up with XGBFF today ! Had lunch buffet @ XGBFF daddy's company with her family ~ Quite alright I guess, ate super full ^^ After that headed to Bugis with her & Junkiat ! Happen to meet till Limhwee, so we went bugis together ~ Went Cotton on 1st, she got her clothes . Then to bugis street, as usual super lot of people ! But, at least she got her dress & I got my bag toooooo ~ Junkiat bought his thingy, Limhwee too ! So, headed to Sakae for early dinner I guess o.O Kinda funny, what I ordered came 1st ~ And, their order was super long I think ! Total of $43 for 4 people, consider alright ba o.O ? Nthg much after that, went back to Tamp and headed back home ~ Im abit hungry now, omg ! I have so many things to do man...
  • Do PM project, zZz
  • Pack my clothings !
  • Move the new table in o.O
  • Tidy my table
  • Help Mommy with chores...
Any kind soul willing to help me with some o.O !? Laugh, all have to be done by tmr... How do I do it, Im not a superwoman man, zZz ! I know who will help me, Junlong will help me :D Hahahahahah, okokok ~ Im feeling hungry now, maybe gonna go get some Mcdonale now o.O ? Cos nobody's at home, Im all alone ! Btw, I thought today was Sunday & I thought of watching Autumn Concerto at 10pm ~ How forgetful I am har ! Let me post abit longer, do you guys have a valentine this year o.O ? I dont haveeeeeee :( Sad, but I THINK I'll be going out with friends ! It wont be a lonely valentine I hopeeeee ~ Oh btw, I've confirmed the booking of Chalet for my Birthday :D It will be on the 10 march till 12 march, BBQ will be on 11 march ! It's still super long I know, but Im kinda excited already :DD I just hope, it will be a good one ! And hopefully, with those people I wish to seeeeeee (:


  1. lols..
    wif those ppl u wish to see..
    im included inside anot? lols

  2. Ofcos mannnnn !
    Unless you dont want go :(

  3. hahas..
    dun worry.. will go de larr.. =)
    hopefully wont clash wif shinee.. =x
