Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Hello, Im back posting againnn :D Today morning lesson was quite funn ! Had a assignment and was really focus on the work givenn by teacher ~ Look at those photos, those are the word I wrote in the morning ! Am I hardworking ? Hmmm, and lunchh headed to pool session, nthg muchh ~ Anyway, I did attend all lesson today mannn ! *ClapsForMe* Hahas, and I was ask to sit infront during the theory lesson ~ Well, still sleepy for meee ! But, at least I know what he's teachingg . Maybe I'll change my mindd of quitting course ? Who knows, hahah :x And, lucky Ervin sit beside me ! If not, I'll be bored to death mannn ~ Dinner at 201, with Gerald, Didi & Babyyyyy ! Nthg much, and headed home ~ And, just now when Im at home Mommy ask me to eat 汤圆 ! Omg, I was like -.- I nvr eat before mannn ! Even Mommy dont believe it :x And, okay I eat liaooo ! Ohh, so 汤圆 taste like this ! Hahahs, Gerald Tay said Im "山龟", wahhlaooo :( But I dont careee :x Hahas, and Im going to sleep now, tmr 8.30am lessonnnn !

PS : Babyy, please take care of yourself alright :D ?

女人都是口是心非的 (:
女人撒娇, 男人只好投降!


女人只要认识一个男人, 就能了解所有的男人?

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