Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Stop it lahs ?


Hello people, yes it's me blogging again . Cause I got nthg to do, so I post blog ! Well, today is Tuesday ! Lesson from morning 9am till 6pm -.- And had 90mins of breaks ! Anyway, kena catch by the DM -.- Damn sway, and lucky I haven get my ez-link card yets ~ Haha, so headed to Cafe 1 instead of forum ! Cause DMs are everywhere ~ Jim went to Cafe 1 too, cause he kena catch too ! Totally spoils our mood early in the morning -.- Xiang & Jiayi kena toos ! Okay, nthg much to mention ~ Acc Jim go buy labsheet, then headed to lesson le .

NWT, nthg much ? Learning the Binary & Decimal thingy, kinda fun & abit easy :x Haha ! Anyway, Im finally doing work in NWT uhs ? And I do work in RCT too :D Hahah, all secondary thingy ? Voltage, Power, Current blablabla ~~ And NWT had hmwk -.- And Im super blur today :X I thought Im on duty today ! Keep nagging about nobody helps me :x Haha, and Jiayi helped ! When Im done, then realise today is not my duty ! Hahah, joke sia :x

Okay, after lesson went to Cafe 1 and look for May ! Ate early dinner and then headed home ~ Coincidence, took the same bus as Ben.N ! Haha, was chatting all the way till we alight ! Lalalalas ~ Reach home and nobody's @ home ! Well, bath-ed and watch-ed tv ~ Laughs* Okay, Im going off le ! I got no notes to do, cause it's with Jim ! And I have NWT hmwk undone :x Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee ! Tmr, S&W :DDD

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