Wednesday, May 6, 2009

- Shut Up -


Boring mans, Im super bored today ! Hahahs, school was boring . Very very boring ..... Okays, morning meet XY & bus to school . Jim didnt come to school due to swollen eyes ~ So meet Jiayi & Ervin too . The rest headed to class straight ! Did Pratical today, kinda fun ? Hahas, quite interesting siohs :x Laughs* And break for 2 hours ! As usual, not in school ~

Headed to East Point for lunch ~ Meet Jim there too ! I think he's kinda brave siahs, haha ~ Well, back to school @ 1.30pm, boring ! Had NWT again, played games and was kinda fun ! Binary & Decimal thingy again :DD IP address, Networking Address ... Hahas, kinda interesting ? And, no HMWK for today ! Hahahs ~ Whole day of NWT was alright ? RCT sucks :x

S&W was quite fun uhs ! Played Badminton, 3 against 3 ~ But after awhile, left me & Jiayi only -.- All pon ! Lalalas, after S&W headed to Cafe 2 to eat . Ate Udon, super salty please >.< ! And then took bus home together with Jonathan & Ben.N ! Lalalas, reach home watch tv . Dinner, then bath ~ TV again ! Till 10pm, online ~ Then 11pm, watch The Project Runway ! Jim intro, not bad uhs ! Hahahs, kinda nice & funny ? Not bad, hahas ! Next week watch again, laughs*

Alright, off to sleep alrdy ! Im super tired ~~ Hahas, had abit flu now ! Gotta sleep now, hahahs ~ Tmr morning then pack bag bahs :x Night people ! I think nobody is reading at this hour ? If yes, pls tag :DD Hahahs, tags will be replied by this week bahs :x Im lazy >.< ! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEE !

Irritated ?

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