Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Im back alrdy uhs ! Well, that night went to wedding dinner . I knw it's whose le ! Is Grandpa's sibling's son ~ Hahahaha :x Okayokay, stoned at home, till 4 plus ? Ate soup with rice, together with JH . Cause the house left the 2 of us only, zZzZzZzZz ! Well, after that prepared ourself, wait for daddy to come back from his competition ~ Woahs, he got 2nd out of dont know how many people, hahaha ! Well done :x Okayokay, left JH home alone :x Lalalala, and we are the 1st to reach thr -.- Nthg much happen there actually ! The food ther was vegetarian, still not bad ? And took some photos, uploaded alrdy ! Well, ytd is monday, monday blueeeeeeee ! Well, my flu totally spoil my day cans !? Hurhur ~ And I got so pissed, hais . I went home around 6.45pm ? Aint that happy, hais . Whatever la, zZz ! I work till so xinku, and this is what I get back ? I thought I was helpful enough to clear part of the work alrdy ? But this is what I get back, everyone's suspicious eyes . Lalalala, back home and teared . Had some misunderstood with JH, zZz ! But was fine after that, and had dinner together, haha :x Watch tv ! And, my sick is getting worst I swear ! Hurhurhurhurhurhur ~ @.@ ! Well, bath and get to sleep ~ Keep wake up again and again, just to drink water, -.- ! zZz, And wake up around 10 plus ? Still tired please ~ And I'll see doctor later on ? With JH accompany me i think ? Lalalalalala, off to rest, byeeeeeeeeeee <3>

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