Sunday, March 1, 2009


yeayea ! Im back lo, hahahaha :x Ytd didnt get to post blog, haha . Well, enjoyed ytd I swear ! Well, morning went to Mac for breakfast ! Treat Mommy, zhong & JH ! Total, $24.30 ? Hahaha, super broke alrdy ~ Well, back home prepare, meet Simin @ my house downstair . But Im like, very slow :x And she gave me a suprise ! A small cake from her, and birthday song, sang half way and zhong came out, who come ah who ah :x Totally spoil uhs ! But I really appreciate it uhs girl, thanks alright, haha !

Well, went to take bus . Meet Auggy @ Tampines Mall, zZz ! Bought a slot-in pouch for my phone ~ Guess how much, $12 sia ! Bloody hell, so ex sia ~ Hurhur, but think I buy le then no choice :x Hmmm, headed to E-hub ! Went to arcade, then took neoprints ~ Hahah, pictures below ! Well, hungry and headed for RiBenChun ~ Hahah, I treat Auggy sia ! Cause I lose on the bet ~ Total for the 3 of us is around, $30 plus ? Haha, no wher else to go . So decided to go Giant ! Blablabla, after that went back to TM, meet Heihei, Long, Nelson .

Slacked ~ And, we got in the rain, zZz ! Ohmygod, hahaha ~ Got stuck at Long's house nearby void-deck . Hahaha, chatting at first . Then quite bored please, so started playing game, haha . played 中技密码 ! Quite funny sia, hahaha ~ Well, I keep being the one giving number . It's bored for the guys, cause they gave me chance and hit me lightly . But poor guys, kena beat and bash up, especially Auggy ! Hahahaha ~ But well, we did enjoy uhs :DD Around 11 plus, headed to 445 ~ Cause we too hungry liao :x But me & Simin takeaway .

She come my house and stayed ! Hahaha, eat and bath :x Was chatting about this and that ! And I run two room :x Cause acc JH chat awhile, then acc Simin . Hahaha, around 3am then sleep ? Super tired ! Sorry ah Simin, didnt help you open door :x When I wake up she's alrdy home . Hahaha, okayokay ~~ zZz ! And now Im posting blog ~ Lalalala, at night got wedding dinner to attend ! Dont know is who, zZz ~~ But, gonna take alot of photos again ? Hahahah, off to do other things ~ Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !

I love my Ice-cream Phone pleaseeee, & mommy know le ~ <3>

Click for larger view ! :DDD

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