Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tic-Tac-Toe !

HELLOS ! Im finally back :x Sorry for not posting ! Cause im getting lazier & lazier ~ Haha, okayokay ! Monday work till 9pm ? Jean didnt attend work again, *pissed ? But it's okay, bus home and i forget what I do ! Haha, tuesday ~ Wake up around 10am ? Tired ! Anyway, watch 小娘惹 at PPStream . Haha, seriously nice, ohmygod ~ And, Im also watching now . Hmmm, okayokay ! Ate breakfast cum lunch, korkor bought for me ! Mommy wasnt working too, hahah ~ And today is the release of the result, of appealing the course . My application was unsuccessful ! bloodyhell ~ So, gotta go down to the school and apply, for the last time . Hurhur ~ Well, went to prepare around 1 plus ? Met Han, and went to ITE College East . zZz, we dont know how to apply ! Hahah . Went to look for XGBFF, she having her CCA . And saw Lu they all ~ Headed to Foodcourt, acc him eat . OHMYGOD, HE MADE A JOKE ( same as me ) ! Okay, shall not say out uhs ~ Hmmm, applied and left the school then . zZz ! Gotta wait till April then know whether I get into the course, so long ~ Anyway, head to IKEA after that ! Hahaha, quite funny uhs ? Bought only sushi, zZz . Actually wanna buy a photo frame de, but change my mind instead ~ Back home, and mommy cook dinner ! Haha, nicenicenice ~ Disturbing him abt the joke, -.- ! Okayokay, end of that . Hmmm, was resting and watching korkor playing mahjong ! Nthg else, zZz . Today went back to work, Jean didnt go again, zZz ! Hmmm, why ah ~ Anyway ! Lunch with Eve & Adelyn, haha ~ Exchange their number while sending them the program for the PPStream . Haha, and sit together with Eve today . Hahah, so funny . At least they keep me awake, if not Im sleepy ~~ Hmmm, and work today ends at 7pm ! Hahaha . It's getting earlier and earlier ? Hahah ! Went to grandma house, for dinner ~ Hahah, the fish is yummy ! Then headed home, change blogskins ~ Hahah . Im always changing, zZz...

Okay, done with my post ! Off to sleep, tmr working again . Will she come ?

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